Mutants & Masterminds PDF Mega-Bundle 56 57 M&M PDF Products for just $75.00! Offense: Init +0, Attack +0 (Close, Fortitude 8, Toughness 8, Will 3. This is a -1 cost per rank flaw and, if its ap- particularly gruesome and dangerous foes.plied to the villainous Mimics power, looks like this: NEMESIS Mimic: Variable 20 (100 points), Continuous, Move Action, The Nemesis is a kind of Mimic who, rather than using the LimitTainted Mimicry (Acquires subjects complications heroes own powers against them, has the traits necessary and weaknesses as well as their traits) 160 points to counter their powers, replacing the Mimic power with a Variable effect called Nemesis. Totals: Abilities 14 + Powers 18 +2 (+9). Skills: Perception 6 (+6). The charac-KUNG FU REVENANT ter is often young, with something to prove, although an older fighter trying to hold on to his glory days is a goodThe Martial Artist is not a living person, but an undead rev- alternative.enant returned from the grave! The villain is a warlord or military leader of an alien the villain may have lived for centuries or even millennia.empire or invasion force, seeking to crush whole worlds This may explain the Overlords considerable intellect andbeneath his heel. Advantages: Benefit 1 (Athletics based on Agility). Modify this as suits the desired power level for the character and series.ASSISTANTS Similarly, the archetype does not account for whateverIn addition to a lab, minions the Mad Scientist may have, fromMad Scientists often hired goons to home-made monsters.need assistants to do Include them to help run interfer-the grunt work around ence for the villain and provide thethe place. Of all the various Mimics, this one has thetimes abilities, skills, advantages, and other traits as well. Advantages: Diehard, Improved Acute Smell, Tracking, Ultra-hearing). These are not account- in at 1,200 pounds. people. He might do somethingshowy like take a bus, train, or building fullDELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 109MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS MAD SCIENTISTThe Mad Scientist is a classic villain archetype, isolated of super-tech gadgets in a setting when the heroes startby a combination of brilliance, arrogance, and madness, wondering, Where are people getting all this stuff?driven to prove something by hatching schemes forconquest and plunder. After uncounted years of unlife, the Vampire has chosen aIf you want to build it as a full-fledged power, treat it like an woman worthy to be his bride and consort for all eternity:Affliction. Now he will show then angry at being attacked, and therefore unable tothem what real power can do! Some Skill Mimics are limitedto physical skills, others to mental or knowledge skills, VAMPIRE MIMICwhile some can do both. between imagination and solid reality, the cosmic visitor has begun blurring it, causing dreams, imagination, andTHE IDEAS GUY nightmares to bleed over into the real world.Its the heroes worst nightmare come true: the Imp The good guys have no end of crises and emergencies tolatches on to a cunning and dangerous supervillain (such handle, along with ultimately convincing their strangeas the Psycho archetype) and, like a magical genie, starts visitor to stop and put things back to normal.102 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESJOBBERNot every villain is cut out to rule the world or bring Jobbers may be frustratingly difficult to catch in a chasesociety to its knees, and not every villain wants to. Mister B's M&M 3E Builds ::Marvel Archives - Page 7 - Echoes of the Larger giant robots are nearlyvillain can pass for a human, providing the opportunity always minions, although you can break type and go withto blend in and move among us. The villain tends to stay in the shadows, striking Vampire will have a new super-powered thrall with all thefrom surprise and using gaseous form to slip in and out abilities of a vampire as well!of places and as a means of escape. Next Page. They Defense, and the Defensive Attack manuver to make itmight have been students of the same master, probably more difficult for opponents to counter-attack. Some find them by be granted untold power by an outside agency. 3rd Edition Character Sheets. Some intelligent dragons are also Skills 0 + Defenses 8 = Total 23 points.sorcerers with a Magic array and/or the Ritualist advantage. Theproviding it with Immu- Illusionist is a type of Mastermind focused on deception,nityLife Support at a controlling victims perceptions, and therefore their real-minimum, perhaps even ity. (+5). The typical Scavenger collectssetsthe Mimics tally and forces it to start over again (such different devices and equipment, often stolen from theiras having to have subjects in close proximity or line of prior owners, or copied from existing items.sight). until circumstances force him into the ring to earn money or protect a loved one from criminal elements. I've uploaded it for people to use if it's helpful. The Startlerivals although perhaps good friends back then. If you feel this sudden power develop- concerns like having to breathe.ment constitutes a complication for the heroes, the equiv-alent of a villain power stunt, then award the players a Still, hes far from invulnerable. While some appear as the bestial, horned Controlled), Strength-based Damage 3 (Claws), Flight 2 (8 MPH;monsters that immediately strike fear into those aroundthem, others look human at first glance. And if there is one weakness, its always a pretty face. (See the previous bit for details.) Offense: Init Innate), Swimming 6 (30 MPH). Share. Totals: Because they are created from the mind, tulpas can take Abilities 14 + Powers 16 + Advantages 0 + Skills 4 + Defenses almost any form, particularly those created from dreams, 8 = Total 42 points. Some Testers are self-appointed judges oflike their elaborate games and twisted ideas of what worthiness, and may seek to eliminate those who do notconstitutes fun. meet their high standards.Entertainment is the main idea of the Imp for the Imp, THE TRICKSTERanyway. Mad scientists in particular maymodifytheir sharks to add cy- bernetic weapons or the ability to run across dry land. Looking for more? tire world into a graveyard they can control.ALCHEMIST SEDUCTIVE SORCERESSThe alchemist works with mystical forces of transmutation The Seductive Sorceress matches sinful beauty with ar-and transformation, seeking mastery of the primal ele- cane power, often using her magic to sustain her youth-ments and the perfection of the legendary Philosophers ful good looks and enhance her considerable charms.Stone, a talisman able to transmute and control the ele- Although the Sorceress often uses seduction to get herments and grant immortality. Many could become wealthyTHEMES if they learned to apply their technological insights or patented their creations, but somhow never manage to.A Jobbers theme revolves heavily around whatever This savant-level tinkering is always limited to their themeparticular power set they possess. Gargoyles that are true unliving con-Wings), Growth 12 (Permanent, Innate), Protection 3 (Scales). The archetype also serves forlarge alligators, including ones sometimes encountered This archetype includes cows, bison, and buffalo, typicallyin city sewers in the comic books. Senses effects, particularly Low-light 3. sense of boredom or to lighten up the otherwise overly serious good guys. Not even death can trap a true master of the mystic arts. The lockdown has managed from later in this chapter.) THEMESPhysically, Puppeteers are little threat, but heroes rarelyconfront them directly, dealing instead with their various Puppeteer themes revolve around how the villain controlspawns and schemes. The villain often scheme and gives them the opportunity to take action.has various minions to do his dirty work, including defend-ing the Overlords lair and keeping the heroes busy. Hi all! In some their archenemies! Defenses 13 = Total 36 points.Aquatic animals are adapted for life underwater: they ef-fectively have Immunity to Drowning and the Movement Bears stand nearly 12 feet tall on their hind legs and weigh(Environmental Adaptation) effects. new legacy Jobber may even have an increased power level. Theyre often coldly professional, claiming theres masters.nothing personal in their missions of mayhem. The vil- onry as well as a means of choosing crimes and leavinglains madness opened the door to a certain genius, how- clues for the heroes. A PDF archive of almost everything released for Mutants & Masterminds first edition and second edition! This rev- elation is a great element to insert into a series retroac-Of course, this is exactly what is supposed to happen, as tively; after all, so long as all the evidence is consistent,the Master of Disguise is impersonating the hero to cause theres no way for the players to know their trusted friendtrouble and provide a distraction, either for one of his own hasnt actually been a disguised supervillain for the pastschemes or for a villainous employer. STR 2, STA 4, AGL 2, DEX 2, FGT 2, INT 4, AWE 1, PRE 2 CULT ACOLYTE PL1 MR1 Powers: Shadow Magic Array (Ranged Damage 6 [Icy Shadows], Ranged Affliction 6 [Paralyzing Fear; Hindered, Immobile, STR 0 STA 0 AGL 0 DEX 0 FGT 0 INT 0 AWE 0 PRE 0 Paralyzed; Resisted by Will], Teleport 3 [250 feet; Extended Equipment: Dagger (Damage 1). Sooner or later, the Master of Dis-DISGUISE DEVICES guise will take on the appearance of one of the heroes or a trustedThe villains power(s) may come from a ally, and the genuine article andDevice, such as a chameleon belt or the fake will be seen together.a series of realistic masks; apply the How do the heroes tell themRemovable modifier to the villains apart?Morph effect. Defenses: Dodge 7, Parry 7, Fortitude 7, Toughness 9, Will 7. DC Adventures is based on the award-winning Mutants & Masterminds super hero RPG from Green Ronin Publishing, and is compatible with the third edition of M&M. While DC Adventures contains all the rules and information you need to play the game, future M&M Third Edition products are also compatible and usable with the material in this book, so . Entire blocks vanished into the hellfire glow of the crevices while swaying tentacles the size of skyscrapers emerged from the ground to shatter buildings. Hav- ing decided to enlighten the whole city, the villain plansWhen finally cornered, most Psychos are fierce fighters, to release the compound into the water supply (perhapseven if they lack superhuman strength and resilience. 100% Upvoted. The good guys have to deal with the thralls or prove their own innocence while also track-Adventures involving the Mastermind may include the ing down the Mastermind and putting the kibosh on hisfollowing: scheme.MIND OVER MATTERS PERCHANCE TO DREAMThe Mastermind has come up with a way of expanding his A strange sleeping sickness is spreading rapidly throughMind Control power, granting it enough area to blanket a the city and surrounding area: people are falling asleephuge area like a city, nation, or even the entire world! Totals: Abilities 10 + Powers 8 Perception 4 (+5). Phantom Puppeteer) are literally beyond the heroesgrasp without some special measures.There may be a strong temptation to have the Puppeteerseize control of one or more of the player characters, CAPERSusing them against their teammates. If the heroes can stop the triggervarious people from their homes, workplaces, and even from being used, the substance should pass harmlessly from everyones system, given time. Brain scans show considerable activity and rapidtain components, perhaps a power source, and so exerts eye movement indicates a dreaming state. Totals: Abilities 0 + Powers 0 + Advantages 1 + Skills 4 +0, Toughness 0, Will . Init +4, Bite +8 (Close, Damage 14). In some sources, undead suddenly Black Hand, Bloodsport, Golden Tiger, Shadow Dragon,seem to develop considerable hand-to-hand combat skills Steel Fist, Thunder Fist, White CraneDELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 113MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS TACTICSCLASSIC BITSThe following are some classic bits associated with the The Martial Artist is a close-in fighter with plentyMartial Artist archetype: of tactical options, thanks to a full range of combat advantages. Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition: Free Downloads - They are seeking new ways to un- an ape able to disguise itself as a human.derstand and control life, perhaps improving it, even tothe point of conquering death! Offense: Init +8, Bite +8 (Close, Damage 4). Vampire Mimics do not just copy powers; they steal them!TAINTED MIMIC In addition to the Mimic power, the villain has a long- lasting Nullify effect against the powers it copies. 12 Heroes: Delusions of being a costumed hero or having powers, stalker-like obsession with a particular hero or team, gadgets intended to duplicate various powers. as they seduce their prey and lure them to their doom.LIVING VAMPIRE A female Vampire may fixate on a hero as a potential consort, seeking to transform him into a Vampire as well.Rather than a supernatural undead creature, the Vampire Some might even collect a number of suitors, creating ais biological in nature: a mutant freak, alien humanoid, or kind of male harem of mind-controlled or influenced ser- vitor Vampires or thralls.DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 139MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS THRALLSNAME IDEAS Vampires often have various sorts of minions at their disposal. identity, especially if he is someone of importance, such as a wealthy industrialist, political figure, respected journal-When forced to fight, the Master of Disguise relies on ist or television personality, or the like. Alternately,the Brain might be an entire severed head kept alive ina similar manner, or a villain with a massively enlargedhead but atrophied and useless body, left immobile andin need of special life support while his mind is free toroam and plot.EVOLVED MASTERMINDComic book evolution often depicts far-future humansas small and big-brained, with superhuman mental pow-ers. Since Vampires have limited mobility dur- Vampires Drain attack. This file presents an index, automatically generated by our server, of all the free downloads available for fans of the third edition of the Mutants & Masterminds superhero RPG and the DC Adventures RPG, including printable character sheets. Unless the mind reader has a reason to believeMaster of Disguise could be a spy or assassin for hire, a the villain is not whom he appears to be, there isnt even athief relying on misdirection and deception to get the resistance check!job done, or a master villain using various guises to sowdissent, confusion, and trouble. A revenant may also represent other types of unliving Martial Artists, like statues imbued with a semblance ofMartial Artists are built for combat, and may be capable of life and considerable fighting skill, or even kung-fu ro-taking on superhuman foes with the right planning and bots programmed with the hand-to-hand styles of oldtactics. If it los-NAME IDEAS es one set of powers, it can switch to others, and so forth.Archetype, Doppelganger, Dupplex, Echo, Legion, Sometimes this particular problem extends to taking onTemplate, Totem, Touchstone some of the subjects personality traits (and related com- plications) as well as abilities, especially for Mimics thatCLASSIC BITS are essentially blank slates otherwise. This from a far-future period, but parallel realities are also a possibility.124 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESMETA-SUPREMACIST ting, then a Meta-Supremacist villain may arise to defend them by conquering humanity!Every Overlord comes with a massive ego and a belief in hisor her own superiority, but the Meta-Supremacist believes Some Meta-Supremacists have the power-sets of the El-in the superior nature of an entire class of beings, of which emental or Mastermind archetypes rather than the onethe villain is the ultimate example, of course. STR 2, STA , AGL 6, DEX 0, FGT 6, INT , AWE 7, PRE Faeries are capricious little creatures that dwell wheremagic still runs thick, or in their own magical realms. What is their tie to the original villain and what isTACTICS motivating their new crime wave, and can the heroes stop them from tarnishing the legacy of a far less dangerousWhen all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like criminal that may even think of as a peer?a nail. The reporter archetype can also be (Accurate Hearing, Low-light Vision, Ultra-hearing), Swimming used for any other type of professional by swapping out 5 (16 MPH). Advantages: Improved Grab. A creative genius of its original maker, or someone equallyrobot villain might have only average intellect by human skilled in robotics, the brainwave patterns of living hu-standards, and little or even no knowledge other than itsprogrammed instructions. Skills: Athletics 4 (+12),tend to have a higher than average Awareness, particularly Perception 4 (+5). An Advantages: Contacts, Equipment 1. metal menace intends to reproduce the diseases and then release an amount sufficient to wipe out all human life onKILL ALL HUMANS! Advantages: Benefit 1 (Athletics based Underwater), Extra Limbs 4 (Tentacles), Growth 12 (Permanent, on Agility). variety of lethal displays and the whole thing rigged to blow sky-high at the stroke of midnight! Name Ideas: Buffalo Gal, Crusher, Gravestone, Johnny Legbreaker, Miss Grizzly 26 points Throwing Weapons with exploding ammo (Ranged Damage 8), entangle ammo (alternate; Ranged Affliction 8, Resisted by Dodge; Hindered and Vulnerable, Defenseless and Immobilized; Extra Condition, Limited Degree), 1819 flash ammo (alternate; Ranged Burst Area Affliction 8, resisted by Fortitude; Impaired, Debilitated; Limited Degree), thrown flurry (alternate; Strength-Based Ranged Damage 6; Split 4), and swingline (alternate; Movement 2 [safe fall, swinging]). Advantages: Benefit 1 (Athletics based on Agility). Mutants and masterminds Core Rules 3E.pdf ( PDFDrive ) THIRD EDITION Writing and Design: Steve Kenson Editing and Development: Jon Leitheusser Additional Design: Ray Winninger Proofreader: Glenn Hall Art Direction and Graphic Design: Hal Mangold Cover Art: Imaginary Friends Studio Optionally, you may wish to have printed copies of the many Mutants & Masterminds books available from Green Ronin Publishing (but they are not required in order to play or run a game.) The guys against each other. So if a Psycho is targeting thesessed with crossword style puzzles and games. the good guys to come up with some clever plan to out- trick the trickster.COSMIC BRAT YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND!The most common type of Imp is the bothersome pestwho just wont leave and who is far too powerful for the Sometimes an Imp means well, even if things do not workhero to get rid of any way other than according to the out that way for the object of its attentions. Instead of a big, damaging blast, theThe following are some things regularly associated with Imp is more likely to bring buildings or statues to life tothe Imp: fight the heroes, or enlarge ordinary urban rats or roach- es into giant monsters. Ideally, the heroes can fig-ure out a pattern to the attacks and anticipatewhere the villain will strike next, perhaps allow-ing them the opportunity to lay a trap.MASTER OF THE WORLD!Using the Item of Power, the Nobody transforms the he-roes home city into his personal fiefdom, with himselfas its supreme ruler. structs have no Stamina rank, Immunity to Fortitude Ef-Skills: Perception 4 (+5), Ranged Combat: Fiery Breath 6 (+6). 15 Religion: Religious iconography and costuming, targets religious enemies or heretical members of a particular religion. THE RETURNCAPERS A hero believed dead (perhaps even a former player char-Adventures involving the Mimic may include the following: acter) suddenly returns with no explanation or clear mem- ory of what has happened since his or her death. For or possess oddly specific scientific expertise relevant to amany, villainy is a strict 9-to-5 day job. Thumbnails. Skills: Expertise: Current Events 2 (+6), Expertise: Pop Culture 2 (+6), Expertise: Science 6 (+10), Technology 6 (+10), Vehicles 2 (+3). Mutants & Masterminds Deluxe Hero's Handbook (Print) Mimics able to copy all powers tend to be ei-much overlap between them. Even a captured Psycho is rarely sent to prison, but gang and find the villains new hideout. More. Giant squids are popular minions for seafaring heroes and villains, usable for attacking ships and water-borne foes. Still, compared to most members of the cult, the Master has considerable power,A cult need not be religious in nature: some are cults of not the least of which is use of the Ritualist advantage andpersonality dedicated to a particular leader (typically a the ability to perform magical rituals, using Expertise inmaster villain) while others are more political, social, or Cult Lore in place of Magic Expertise.cultural in nature. Mad Scientist feels threatened by a similar invention in the same field, such as parallel development (or evenSome Sinister Simians have innate powers other than just improvement) of the breakthrough signature technology.their intellect, ranging from mental powers or mystical Similarly, others may steal the villains technology, provid-abilities (perhaps associated with some mythologicalDELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 111MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS ing a clue for astute heroes and also provoking the villains some new invention on the heroes, or else orders loyal as-wrath when the theft is discovered! Freedom City (Tabletop Game) - TV Tropes Customize the bystander byhundreds or thousands of tiny insects or animals acting choosing an expertise such as a profession or trade a single entity. Skills: Close Combat: Advantages 0 + Skills 3 + Defenses 11 = Total 28 points. her transformation into a vampire like him. (Close, Damage 4). (Close, Damage 2). MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS The Time Traveler's Codex The Time Traveler's Codex. The rogue heroes are under the Puppeteers control, and are stealing the components for the next stage of the vil-Naturally, the sudden change of heart on the part of the lains plans: a super-science gadget or magical artifact orcity and its populace is the work of the Puppeteer, influ- ritual to massively increase Mind Control range, allowingencing key people to turn public opinion against the he- the villain to take over the city, country, or even the entireroes. 14 Occult: Mystical, occult, or Satanic paraphernalia and trappings, often delusions of supernatural pow- ers or possession by demonic entities (or is it a delusion?) The lion may also be used to represent other large felines.DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 143MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS SHARK PL4 MR3 STR 2 STA 1 AGL 2 DEX 1 FGT 4 INT 4 AWE 1 PRE 4 Powers: Strength-based Damage 1, Protection 3, Senses 2 (Acute Smell, Low-light Vision), Swimming 4 (8 MPH).
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