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Phillip Mauro was a brilliant lawyer who was admitted to the bar of the supreme Court in April 1892. The unmitigating emergence of unauthorized Bible versions is risen up to challenge and remove the Authorized Version of the Bible (which thing cannot be done for the Lord said that his words shall not pass away. We can find coincidences throughout life, but when there are multiple coincidences, all repeating the same things, we must start to look for a conspiracy of thought and action, for true coincidences are random by nature. The device is known as mental reservation and was used in these tracts.(worldincrisis). A list of vernacular equivalents is then composed. (English Hexapla, pp., Looking for news worthy topics, in both the Politcal, Social, and The Religious arenas. "[62] However, the translators of the New World Translation believed that the name Jehovah was present in the original manuscripts of the New Testament when quoting from the Old Testament, but replaced with the other terms by later copyists. . The originals are all gone, no one has them. What the above shows, is that by simply joining the dots, we discover that all new versions are the devils own brand; they are founded on Roman Catholic documents that have always been rejected by genuine believers, and are carefully edited by Jesuits to agree with Roman dogma, via W&H and a host of other unbelievers. [106], In 1953, former American Bible Society board member Bruce M. Metzger concluded that "on the whole, one gains a tolerably good impression of the scholarly equipment of the translators,"[30][107] but identified instances where the translation has been written to support Jehovah's Witness doctrines, with "several quite erroneous renderings of the Greek. It was in this climate that Dr. Westcott and Dr. Hort appeared on the scene.. [32][33], In 1961, the Watch Tower Society began to translate the New World Translation into Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish; the New Testament in these languages was released simultaneously in July 1963 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. During the years they . At Westcotts suggestion, a celebration of Holy Communion was held on June 22nd before the first meeting of the N.T. 1, p.416). More and more scholars were coming forth who were openly putting to one side all the mass of manuscript evidence that supported each other, agreed together, and putting their mind-set on a relatively few, which we have seen did not agree with each other. Constantin von Tischendorf was a leading light in the emerging Higher Critical movement in Germany in the 19thcentury. The 2013 release indicates progressive verbs only where considered contextually important. July 31st Hort: I spoke of the gloomy prospect, should the Evangelicals carry on their present victory so as to alter the Services. (Life, Vol.I, p.160). FENTON JOHN ANTHONY HORT (1828-1892) A. Hulsean Professor of Divinity, then Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, Cambridge B. "[135], The Evangelical German Bible Society reviewed the German-language edition of 1986 and described the NWT as a "translation that is accurate in many respects, but tendentious in the sense of the special teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses". "Stand Complete and With Firm ConvictionThe New World Translation Appreciated by Millions Worldwide". These were called Tracts for the Times, and were written between 1833 and 1841. Rome began its onslaught against scripture very early on in its heretical career, by ignoring the accepted canon of Gods word and replacing it with the Alexandrian text, which was shunned by true believers from the beginning because of its heresy: Rome received the corrupted Local Text of Alexandria, Egypt, and further revised it to suit her own needs. The Jesuits (Society of Jesus) have been dubbed Gods Marines because they infiltrate and destroy. 1847 Jan., 2nd Sunday after Epiphany Westcott: After leaving the monastery we shaped our course to a little oratoryIt is very small, with one kneeling-place; and behind a screen was a Pieta the size of life (i.e. The phrase bless them that curse you is omitted from both the Revised and the Jesuit. (Life of Hort by his son, Vol. At length however Dr. Smith remained on the Committee). Australians seeking compensation for being allegedly injured from COVID Jabs, Ukrainian Drone Attack on Crimea Preparation for Counteroffensive: Russian fears for peninsula mount after Zelensky said he would try to retake it and preparations are almost complete, UKRAINE COUNTER-OFFENSIVE PLANNING / LOCATION BECOMING CLEAR. To use them to overthrow the Received Text would demand GREAT TRAINING and almost HERCULEAN labors; for the Received Text was apparently INVINCIBLE. Robert Countess, The Jehovah's Witness' New Testament, A Critical Analysis of the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures, Presbyterian & Reformed, 1982. Both of these underpin all modern versions. (Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers (Christian Lit. It was he and his men who were trained to beat the enemy and their heresies. Cranmer a traitor and Latimer a vulgar ranter. Surely, even in the minds of strong adherents, logic must prevail? THE EVIDENCE IS AT LEAST 618 TO 2!. That atheists liked the work of Tischendorf merely strengthens the revulsion we should all have towards his work, and the work of Higher Critics and Textual Critics (such as W&H). 1822). (1) KING JAMES BIBLE OF 1611. With two exceptions, these all in the main agree with the change of thought in the Revised; and the other two agree to a considerable extent. "Jehovah's Witnesses distribute free Bibles", "All Scripture is Inspired of God and Beneficial" 1990 pp. They sent missionaries to Egypt, which was the land of Isis (Queen of Heaven) and Horus (the sun god), and Baal worship (which began with Nimrod). and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?4And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.5For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Origen, who was an Arian, didnt believe Jesus was God almighty, but a lesser god. This acceptance of Tischendorf by atheism is also shown in a quote used on, If the New Testament is defective the church itself is in error, and must be given up as adeception.. And what of these quotes by, or about, Westcott? "[108] Metzger said there were a number of "indefensible" characteristics of the translation, including its use of "Jehovah" in the New Testament. Can I claim the name of a believer?(Op. Biblical scholar. That is a distortion not a translation. The authorities created a special band of men to infiltrate the genuine churches; they were shown how to speak and act like genuine believers. Your email address will not be published. [44][45], At the Watch Tower Society's annual meeting on October 5, 2013, a significantly revised translation was released. The Authorized Version of the Bible is the precepts of a mighty nationwhose King is the LORD. Do not forget that Hort always considered the KJAV to be disgusting to his senses, and referred to that vile Textus Receptus with much venom. 128, quoted in Walsh, Secret History of the Oxford Movement, p. 33). . The greater part of this was undertaken by Westcott and Hort. [30][31] Cross references which had appeared in the six separate volumes were updated and included in the complete volume in the 1984 revision. Yes it is easy to outwit most Christians with lies. [90], In 2004, Anthony Byatt and Hal Flemings published their anthology 'Your Word is Truth', Essays in Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (1950, 1953). (See Does this fact prove just how unreliable the new versions are? Is this not also a reason to hear the alarm bells that can be heard by all who love the Lord, not Rome? On one side, their supporters have heralded them as great men of God, having greatly advanced the search for the original Greek text. Eusebius had the choice of using the Greek manuscripts from Antioch or from Alexandria to make up the 50 Greek Bibles. The impurity of the text exhibited by these codices [Sinaiticus and Vaticanus] is not a question of opinion but of fact. Dec. 23rd Westcott: My faith is still wavering. The committee also referred to the Novum Testamentum Graece (18th edition, 1948) and to works by Jesuit scholars Jos M. Bover (1943), and Augustinus Merk (1948). Why would the Catholics do this? "[56] However, according to professor Albert Pietersma, since pre-Christian times adonai and the Tetragrammaton were considered equivalent to the Greek term kyrios. The vernacular terms are then applied to the text in the target language. Now the earth was formless and desolate, and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep, and God's active force was moving about over the surface of the waters. His work used sheer biblical logic and so he managed to deal a massive blow to the Jesuit fakery. His idea became the foundation of documentary hypothesis. But I have never discovered in the 'New World Translation' any biased intent to read something into the text that it does not contain. 2 The Apocryphal books are equal to the canonical ones. "[126], In 2004, historian Jason BeDuhn examined New Testament passages in which he believed "bias is most likely to interfere with translation"[127] from nine of "the Bibles most widely in use in the English-speaking world". It also seems not surprising that Westcott would call the Jesuit inspired Oxford Movement, "the Oxford Revival!" "The Oxford Revival in the middle of the century, quickened anew that sense of corporate life. Almost all the advanced Greek courses were taught by the legendary . Think of that vile Textus Receptus leaning entirely on late MSS. [61] Walter Martin, an evangelical minister, wrote, "It can be shown from literally thousands of copies of the Greek New Testament that not once does the tetragrammaton appear. The new Bible versions are not based on Erasmus Textus Receptus. They are exactly the same sources found in the Jesuit bible of 1582 and these are reproduced in the first of the cursed new versions the Revised Version! [39] The publishers stated that "the particulars of [the New World Bible Translation Committee's members] university or other educational training are not the important thing" and that "the translation testifies to their qualification". 3rd Hort: But the book which has most engaged me is Darwin. I have already shown that W&H were Romanists. which I should tempt no one to share.(Op. July 7th Hort: Dr. [122], In October 1996, James B. Parkinson stated, "the Jehovah's Witnesses' New World Translation (NWT, 1950) offers a relatively accurate translation from a different theological perspective. And His father and mother were marvelling upon those things which were spoken concerning Him., (3) AMERICAN REVISED;And His father and His mother were marveling at the things which were spoken concerning Him.. Tucker Carlson fired from Fox for calling out Big Pharma advertisers deadly vaccines, says Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Walmart Update - Barbed Wire In Cincinnati, The Globalist Agenda: The COVID Plandemic is Just The Beginning. In Old Testament criticism, the concept of documentary hypothesis won the thinking of the liberals. It has been noted that Sinaiticus is a literary mess ( There are mistakes, erasures, sentences written on top of other sentences plus many words are omitted. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. After years of spreading pro-Vatican propaganda within the Church of England, the Oxford professor [Newman] finally jumped ship and returned to Rome where he was given a cardinals hat in 1879. Then continue reading more of Horts words below: The old dogmatic view of the Bible therefore, is not only open to attack from the standpoint of science and historical criticism, but IF TAKEN SERIOUSLY it becomes a DANGER to religion and public moralsGod is the author, NOT of the Bible BUT of the life in which the authors of the Bible partake, and of which they tell in such IMPERFECT HUMAN WORDS as they could command. The majority, then, did not bother with Romes Vulgate. While working on the RV, Westcott and Hort covertly produced their radical Greek text. 17,18). If you are a Christian, I highly suggest that you read theThe Deception Series. The Oxford Movement, one that we see is of Roman/Jesuit origin, corrupted the Anglican church by teaching its future priests in the ways of Rome. Dr Edward Hills confirms this to be so: He (Hills) speaks in reference to the committee of the American Standard Version promising not to publish their translation at the same time as the English Revised Version. Rowley, How Not To Translate the Bible, The Expository Times, 1953; 65; 41. Many Catholic and Protestant scholars have accused this Bible of flaws and biased interpretations. Yes, new Greek texts (which happened to be Romish) came into being and again tried to batter the KJAV to death and, to now. 1851 Dec. 21st Westcott ordained priest in Church of England. Also bear in mind that Rome never claims to be Christian as such, but prefers to be called by its title, Roman Catholicism. So, we can say that the above quote can be taken to be official doctrine of Rome. But, on the whole, it offers a reliable vision of the Word of God, which can lead men to the New World, that is, to the Messianic Kingdom". [86], In its review of Bible translations released from 1955 to 1985, The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary listed the New World Translation among the major modern translations. The reference edition contains the cross references and adds footnotes about translation decisions and additional appendices that provide further detail relating to certain translation decisions and doctrinal views. Dean Burgon said: On many occasions 10, 20, 30, 40 words are dropped through very carelessness. [120] In 1982, in his critical analysis The Jehovah's Witness' New Testament he wrote that the NWT "must be viewed as a radically biased piece of work. (1) KING JAMES BIBLE OF 1611. In 1983, the English Braille edition of the New World Translation's New Testament was released;[75] the complete English Braille edition was released by 1988. And, whatever the truth may be, this seems just the liberty required at the present moment, if any living belief is to survive in the land. (Life, Vol.I, p.454). Wiseman was responsible for the conversion of hundreds of English Protestants, including Prime Minister William Gladstone (1809-1898), Archbishop Richard Chenevix Trench (1807-1886), and John Newman (1801-1890). "[93] He added in a subsequent review that "the second volume shows the same faults as the first. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The general public has been led to believe that Westcott and Hort were Christians, but were they really? What we are giving is not a blatantad hominemattack on the new version writers for the fun of it, or out of chagrine, but a blunt warning that such men ARE to be opposed, because of their unbelieving stance, atheism, and antagonism to the genuine word of God. That is, if the manuscript is not a forgery, as seems highly probable! The Movement elevated Higher and Textual Critics to positions of power in the universities, so that propaganda could begin in earnest. cit., Vol. 1, p. 92 [November 7, 1847]. Forget the public pronouncements based on scripture these are only ploys to make Rome appear pious. It was noted above that in the past distrust was often expressed regarding the translation work of persons belonging to a different modality or denomination and there was a fear of the theological points of view being reflected in the translation. [137], Thomas Nelson Winter considered the Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures to be a "highly useful aid toward the mastery of koine (and classical) Greek," adding that the translation "is thoroughly up-to-date and consistently accurate. "[57] He also considers that old manuscripts containing the tetragram, like the papyrus Fouad 266, "is evidence of a secondary stage. In short, the Irvingite creed (minus the belief in the superior claims of the Irvingite communion) seems to me unassailable in things ecclesiastical. (Life, Vol.II, p.30,31). So, adherent to modern versions do you STILL persist in supporting the new versions, knowing they are rooted in Rome? Friedrich Schleiermacher rejected creeds and doctrines, declaring that all that mattered in religion was feeling. Milton was a name of horror.(J.A. A purely objective evaluation of translations, however, must conclude that only in very exceptional cases can passages be pointed out in which the confessional (or political and social) point of view of the translators shines through. The answer to the two Oxford professors was this: The Church of England must accept the Council of Trent. We must believe it because we are told to believe it, and not because it is true! Westcott had formed a secret club called "Hermes," noted for aggressive homosexual activities between its members. In the New Testament, for example, Paul was rejected as the author of anything. [8][9] The New Testament portion was released first, in 1950, as The New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures,[10][11] with the complete New World Translation of the Bible released in 1961. Indeed, there is a very fair prospect of good work, though neither with this body nor with any body likely to be formed now could a complete textual revision be possible. But deliver us from evil. [109], J. Carter Swaim in 1953 wrote that "objection is sometimes made to new translations on the ground that to abolish archaic phrases tends to cheapen the Scripture". As has already been established, both Drs. They knew that MSS in Greek, of the type from which the Bible adopted by Constantine had been taken, were awaiting them manuscripts, moreover, which involved the OT as well as the New. Brooke Foss Westcott (1825-1901), and Fenton J A Hort (1828-1892) were two renowned Anglican scholars at Cambridge University. To destroy the faith and doctrines of the Protestants, whom they want to bring back into the fold of Roman Catholicism. "[92], Regarding the New World Translation's use of English in the first volume of the New World Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures (Genesis to Ruth, 1953), biblical scholar Harold Henry Rowley was critical of what he called "wooden literalism" and "harsh construction". Westcott and Hort were hostile to the true Greek text of the King James Bible. Look at two statements by Westcott (documented in Westcott, Arthur, Life and letters of Brooke Foss Westcott, New York, 1903. How can they, when the very bibles they use are from the clawed hands of Jesuits and Rome? Some scholars call this revision the Western text. The above quote is not alone. There is some hope that alternative readings might find a place in the margin. (Life, Vol.I, p.390). [95], Samuel Haas, in his 1955 review of the first volume of the NWT in the Journal of Biblical Literature, stated that he did not agree with the introduction of the name Jehovah: "religious bias is shown most clearly in the policy of translating the tetragrammaton as Jehovah. Chapter 8: Westcott and Hort Brooke Foss Westcott (1825-1903) and Fenton John Anthony Hort (1828-1892) have been highly controversial figures in biblical history. Mar. He gave the name of Thomas Cartwright, Puritan divine, saying thatThe sun does not shine on a greater scholar than Cartwright.. The edition, in two columns, is very well cared for; it includes a critical apparatus and numerous intertextual references. FROM THEIR OWN MOUTHSA selection of statements revealing the attitudes of these two most noted textual critics of the 19 Century. The people just rejected them. 2:11-16). In 1870 the idea of a modest revision of the A.V. 1853 Jan.-Mar. What matters is that Tischendorf is behind an attempt to dismantle and finally destroy Christian beliefs, by firstly destroying faith in Gods word. There were four key resolutions, adopted at the Council of Trent, which focused on papal authority as above that of Holy Scripture. (Watchtower May 1, 2008 pp. The 7 members of the N.T. [The personal letters of Hort and Westcott sound like the letters of men of the Jesuit order (that is, if you know the Roman Catholic Jesuits. Origen became head of this school (of which he had began as a student). By 1845, it was obvious that Newman had accomplished all he could secretly, so he then openly left the Church of England. Where it contained no text the Sinaiticus was used. a Virgin and dead Christ)Had I been alone, I could have knelt there for hours.(Page 81), It is smaller than I expected, and the colouring is less rich, but in expression it is perfect. The remaining 3-5% that disagree with the majority of manuscripts. [105], Allen Wikgren (member of the New Revised Standard Version committee, as well as the committee which produced the USB Greek text) said in 1952, "independent readings of merit often occur in other modern speech versions, such as Verkyl's New Testament (1945) and the Jehovah's Witnesses' edition of the New Testament (1950)". Thus, the church (Rome) is the final authority, not Christ or Gods word. May 5th Westcott to Hort: at present I find the presumption in favour of the absolute truth I reject the word infallibility of Holy Scripture overwhelming. (Life, Vol.I, p.207). 1828 Apr. Previously, some Bible translation projects lasted twenty years or more. Then there was light. Modern Bible versions, based on a few low-quality, and even corrupt, Bible manuscripts. [59][60] The use of Jehovah in the New Testament is very rare, but not unique to the New World Translation. In the Gospels alone Codex B (Vaticanus) leaves out words or whole clauses no less than 1,491 times. [47] The new revision was also released as part of an app called JW Library. Their Master Greek text of 1881 has become the benchmark of the modern corrupt translations today with most people completely unaware of the historical occult connection. I do not doubt that many genuine believers have been caught by this mixture, because of their regard for Strong. Other works consulted in preparing the translation include Aramaic Targums, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Samaritan Torah, the Greek Septuagint, the Latin Vulgate, the Masoretic Text, the Cairo Codex, the Aleppo Codex, Christian David Ginsburg's Hebrew Text, and the Leningrad Codex.

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