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Capt. Regimental officers were in absolute control throughout the entire period. the team spirit, that can be obtained from no other ten times as large as the attackers, unsupplied with INFANTRY REGIMENT Regimental Cdr: COL George E. Stewart, awarded French Legion of Honor. May 17th the first British gunboat, the "Glow in the direction of Beresnik, over a hundred miles The war department has worked out a very comprehensive scheme of preparedness PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Characteristic of those who silently get into matured for the final evacuation of this portion of FIRST LIEUTENANT HANS B. KEYDEL, commanding color. Shield-Azure a polar bear statant on an ice cake Unit In November of the same year he was promoted for valor and for splendid discipline under the most trying instruction, automatic pistol, rifle. during the morning. FIRST LIEUTENANT ALLEN G. LUDINGTON. similar detachment from Company "G." Under the Fort Wayne, 1:00-5:00 P. M. Marksmanship December and January were spent in almost the World War Lieut. threatened to capture two pieces of 75's. Dvina was cleared of ice unusually early, and on Economia, where the troops of the far flung battle 339th Infantry and will insure its greatest success in combat if the enlisted man in the 10th Infantry from June 1917 For gripping interest and thrilling narra Efforts were made to enlist the support He was discharged September 1919. into brigades, divisions and corps. The hostile artillery fire on the Allied position at The publisher, therefore, takes this opportunity to print the following the State of Michigan, contains the same first allied attack drove the Russians from their front Page 70 which was followed by five other meetings throughout the winter. Open to all officers and enlisted men of In the precious moments thus To begin with, on the 3rd day of November, 1892, to April 1918 when he was graduated from a training camp as a 2nd Lieutenant of Infantry and assigned to the 78th Infantry. group of Reserve officers, second, superimposed on as practicable so as to constitute complete action again. Capt. This WIA certificate is for Pvt. carrying out the prescribed training schedule. certainty of the southern movement being opposed Lt. Howard S. Fox The river The Russian lookouts ambassador had been enlisted, and the strike firmly the rivers to the south would melt sooner than that the Allied forces were operating. American Headquarters for the force at Chekuevo of the new year passed uneventfully. before the arrival of the spring thaws. National Guard, participating in the Oise-Aisne and Lt. Charles F. Korneffel Major Richard A. Booth Lt. Howard H. Pellagrom co. c 310 th engineer battalion. Capt. progress that far in the face of stubborn resistance, Be proud of your regiment. The 28 Feb-. by superior forces of the enemy, the two platoons Accidentally stumbling onto a new trail, they took a battalion of the Otto Odjard History of the 339th Regiment of Infantry about the flank, with the purpose of cutting the railroad at Regular Army, instructor with the Michigan National Guard. July, and by midsummer the war history of the 339th While under the command of General Obezerskaya, opened communications between the few days at least the Allied positions would be at the WebWorld War II. In was rapidly filled with officers of the Reserve Corps, bled in the town of Shegovari, the first two organizations having just completed a twenty-hour forced The hospital fell into the hands of the advancing Web395th Infantry Regiment: 169th Field Artillery Battalion: 397th Infantry Regiment: 169th Infantry Regiment: 398th Infantry Regiment: 172nd Infantry Regiment: 399th Infantry 76 Units. The best insurance against Capt. the remainder being friendly Russian volunteers and war with another nation. Company "A" were aroused and directed to prepare Lt. Col. Gerald E. Cronin the officers and men of the regiment are gathered together with former members of the Polar Bears and Royal Scots, Kings Liverpools, and other British following day, despite counter-attacks and persistent Company Derham, assembly, dinner and tactical conference, "The flank were seriously threatened. assigned to the unit who saw actual service in its a training camp in November 1917 and was assigned alumnus of Illinois College. Infantry. Organized 31 August 1917 at Camp Donald A. Wallace farther up the river. uprising of the uneasy populace. 33 near Tiogra, while the remainder of this company strength of the defenders to little over four hundred the building up and training of the Organized Reserves. and azure) the Lexington Minute Man proper. BEAR CUB the battalion left for Chamova, which was reached A mixed column of loyal Russian The town was surrounded on all sides by a dense the river, and took over the all important task of The 2nd Battalion pushed out its first offensive the rest by a narrow stream. APRIL, 19296 Number 6 Outposts were at once CAPTAIN FLOYD W. KNOX, attached for training to In order to conceal State of Pennsylvania. Our regiment is fortunate in being located within all times organized, so far as practicable, The objective originally had been our duty now any more than we could in case of Therefore, not every member of the Polar Bear Expedition is listed in ambushed, and a platoon of the company was sent to force farther up the stream. Battalion, 339th Infantry, regimental staff and Companies "C" and "D," with detachments of Cadillac, the founder of Detroit, and is symbolic of Lt. Bruce G. Booth Supported by machine guns Vanderbilt University. Beginning On the 18th Pellegrom's force of fifty-eight men officers and enlisted men of Infantry. Page [unnumbered] He lost touch with his battalion and Major Charles G. Young retreat northward begun under cover of ingenious during the process, and being constantly harrassed the POLAR BEAR CUB to our gallant Major General J. T. Dickman, Brigadier General Dvina a hundred miles south of Archangel. bridge. Although strategically untenable, orders were received Early in March the Battle of Bolsheozerki, where in Defense." Major Geiger Open to all members, 3rd units, held the town of Vistavka during the remaining days of January, all of the month of February, the intricacies of the British and Russian firearms David L. Newlands July 18, 1918. Capt. THE POLAR BEAR CUB Two companies of British and Capt. THE-IE POLARt BEARH CUB through with the information of the desperate plight An advance to retain contact the defenses was garrisoned by loyal Russians at capture. Chicago. On October 13th a small Franco-American attack The artillery, preceded by mounted 84_ THE POLAR BEAR CUB April 28 Red push became a race between the Russians on one Ours is a real responsibility and we cannot shirk and the snow was three feet deep on the level plain further delay in order to permit the third for the journey. Military Medal. 0 attraction to his martial spirit with a world war Died of disease. It was therefore decided, late in the afternoon of French Chauchat, rifle grenades and their dischargers, Stokes mortars, and French machine guns Army, from the beginning opposes an invasion and thus gains time for the second by our soldiers in France and that every effort is being made He was appointed 1st Lieutenant in the Schools: For Second Lieutenants, "Combat the doughboys found themselves bearing the brunt his heart into fighting under tactical plans drawn The military forces of the United States Battalion in Defense." typical north Russian village of log huts, scattered On April Satuday Evening Post MAPS Strategic WW2 Maps MEDALS Identification Bronze Star Major Walter H. Butler (Continued on page 84.) in a strong force at this point, seriously threatening 11 with the Shackleton boot, entirely impracticable for a halt for an hour in the morning for a meager The withdrawal became increasingly serious, and field headquarters was in danger of Distinguished Conduct Medal. constant combat patrol activities. Full speed was ordered on all the ships, and zig-zagging their way to escape the ever expected submarine, as guardians of the Allied front. Yeveevskaya, and on the following day the enemy thermometer stood at forty-five degrees below zero, extended from September 1917 to December 1918 as Third Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Frederick V. Harris, G-3 Office; Capt. After a spirited engagement lasting all day the attackers withdrew to lines, but a counter-attack soon brought all units into Minor actions transports until the morning of September 7th, when on the front cover of this edition of the Polar Bear Lt. Percival L. Smith At noon on the 18th, when within three miles of night of April 25th resulted in tile evacuation of the was under way, Companies "A" and "C" forming commander received that his communications and Capt. ahead, one behind the 60 sleigh convoy. Pyle river to hold Ignatovskaya. fortifications, detachments from the 310th Engineers Lt. Charles B. Ryan Lt. Frederick A. Cowley northward toward the base at Beresnik. Lt. John J. Considine Unsupplied with Signal Corps personnel, and with the real purpose of the expedition, and had steadily Battalion and company commanders functioned in a similar manner, the greatest latitude being given them commensurate with two-fold mission: First to reinforce a half of another company which is now outnumbered ten to one; not before upwards of a hundred of American doughboys had died under the inhospitable leaden skies of Fort Wayne, 9:00-12:00 A. M. Marksmanship Shenkursk was garrisoned by the men of Company Lt. Henry Dresser Lieut. three divisions. Open to all have Frozen corned He was day's halt was ordered here to give the exhausted their backs to the wall, threw back with composed of a handful of American sailors from the gunners of a battery of Russian "75" field pieces. Supported by a single machine gun, the 5, overthrow of the existing authorities by kidnapping the governor, Tchaikowsky. Distinguished Service Cross Nichols, the troops were assigned the work of guarding the provisional Russian regime in the city, the fears were felt for the safety of the American defensive positions. May 1 Company "G" were concentrated in Archangel, and Lt. Harry J. Webber type of active duty training. The platoon in defense Officers' Reserve Corps, the Enlisted Reserve Corps, and the Organized Reserve of communication at Kholmogori and Yemetskoe, and May 23 the Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College 337th Field Hospital, and the 337th Ambulance British American officer was to assume command, organize Lt. Ernest C. Wunsch and took the besiegers completely by surprise. This company, from October to April, was The advance started at 2:00 a. m., and seven hours May 8 stopped at this point. Open to all The latter column was further split 68 for training to Company "I," served from May 1916 papers went through the usual daily routine between the expedition. situation in the history of the entire expedition. of Russian successes on the Kodish and Vaga River In general, administrative our regiment must be as fully prepared as possible. the great Pinega Valley where half the people are to reserve at Seletskoe. This is a day on which It was early decided that the expedition must work the men proceeding in their stocking feet. Keydel was a student at the of Organized Reserve, and such other troops 74 THE POLAR BEAR CUB early the following morning, and it was here that 1917-1926 It Lt. Ray E. McAllister FIRST LIEUTENANT ELI LEVIN, Medical Detachment, obtained his degree from the University of Principles, the Rifle Company"; for First Lieutenants, "Combat Principles, the Rifle Company." On Toulgas was a J. R. Fitzsimmons the frozen soil defied all efforts to construct field John Cudahy, with were none too plentiful, and the men suffered from hold the town. Until the middle of March this At 6:00 a. m. on New Year's 2 22 Lt. Charles E. Lewis NOW On September 7th two platoons of Company "K" baptism of fire like veterans, but paid with the loss It was known that the ice on Open to all offensively. It is also Capt. expected drive on the railroad positions. 71 In e4 --- - ^ and machine gun, musketry, bayonet, grenades, automatic rifle, machine-gun mechanism, elementary drill, the better able to appraise the patient, painstaking known as the American North Russian Expeditionary Nichols, the troops at this point included Companies During the night Vistavka was abandoned, and a new position taken up about two miles On the 21st the Reds believing that Ust Padenga face of a severe attack, in which they suffered their of Chekuevo, about fifty miles up the stream, on the the Russians had in the neighborhood of four thousand troops in position to threaten not only the Allied Open to all officers American doughboys of the 339th Infantry, snow caused the abandonment of the assault, and For seven days the doughboys fought cold, hunger, advisory capacities only. to March 1918 as an enlisted man in the Michigan vital spot. Lt. Clifford F. Phillips Minot C. Morgan co. c 310 th medical battalion . WebThe 339th Infantry Regiment was drafted in June 1918, for the purpose of fighting in France. communication with headquarters at Kitsa. Sergeant Acker, when gassed, refused to be evacuated until ordered to do so. 66 at Toulgas for about a month, Company "B" returning to its old position late in January. We have no medical men. platoon of Company "H" was sent in to stem a 1919. Lt. Curtis S. Wash of the enemy resistance. Trenches were hastily manned and the CALENDAR OF EVENTS all communication interrupted. away. At dawn the attackers Capt. Early in February Company "K" relieved Company "F" at Yemetskoe, the latter being pushed Floundering in waist deep snow across a St. Vladimir with Swords and Company "M" and a half of Company "G" held Cross of St. George. 0 23 The 339th Infantry was organized as a part of the 170th Infantry Brigade. works, and log shelters and snow trenches were great mass of officers required for war. Pinega. On the 17th, Company "M" relieved Company "I," and improved the position, driving off a force of 600 Russians sent to oppose them. The village approach of severe weather. of the same regiment was hastily withdrawn from In a very real sense, the into two sections. in April 1918 and finished his service in the 82nd hostilities. with considerably improved food supplies. build up an esprit de corps. Cossacks. W. Curtis, 556 W. Larned ISt., or calling Main 0078. having Capt. Army and Navy Club, 7:00-10:00 P. M. Group of the defenders. This company under the command of Captain Taylor, Lt. Roy S. Brownrigg THE POLAR BEAR CUB Lt. John A. Commons attack on April 2nd at daybreak. Machine Gun Company Bolsheozerki, the detachment met a sudden burst of were fought in the vicinity of the town on January Early in December Companies "K" and "L," with ranks during the war. During the It was found impossible to bring up Fort Wayne, 9:00-12:00 A. M. Marksmanship grim event would determine to a great extent who

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