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In Start Spreading The News, Diane gets involved in a conference call with Mr. Peanutbutter and BoJack and Ana, the latter two of whom are in New York. BoJack and Diane are the only main characters to have design changes within the series. During Season 4, when BoJack thought Hollyhock was his daughter, BoJack was still struggling with alcoholism. First appearance There are a lot of people out there who might not realize they're doing bad things or hurting people, but that doesn't mean they're not still terrible. BoJack angrily tells her she manipulated him, whereas Diane angrily counters back that the book made people take him seriously and gave him everything he wanted. After a series of failed attempts, he is advised by character actress Margo Martindale to confess his feelings to Diane. RELATED: BoJack Horseman: 10 Romantic Relationships We Wish We Saw. When the two are in bed at night, Diane tells him she's worried about Captain Peanutbutter and tells Mr. Peanutbutter he should talk to him. Mr. Peanutbutter is having a during a TV interview with Tom Jumbo-Grumbo when he learns about Diane's article against him, that says if "frack-happy politicians" knew how bad fracking was they wouldn't allow it in their own backyards. Stefani says that she needs to "do you" because right now no one is. Princess Carolyn tells Todd she'll get BoJack a specialist to drug him up so he feels ok to shoot later in the week. Sebastian tells her they have to build a hospital, and if she can't handle it she should go home. As he leaves, Diane, still not intimidated by him, says she knows who he is. Since Diane is a main character, she is seen in every single episode except: BoJack Horseman Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Who the hell are you?". BoJack is relieved, saying that he'd go back to the past and prevent this whole situation if he could, because he doesn't need any more of him running around. She also tells BoJack that she doesn't regret marrying Mr. Peanutbutter, because there are people in your life who make you who you are even if they're not in your life forever. Before he leaves, he assures Diane shes the most beautiful person in the world to him. She wonders why BoJack didn't tell her about it. From a terrible childhood to rocky relationships in his career to bad friendships to alcohol and substance abuse, fans can agree that BoJack has been through a lot. Diane and BoJack first meet in Season 1 after she is hired to ghostwrite his memoir, One Trick Pony. She then publishes her article, which leads to the two throwing and breaking their computers and coffee mugs, and Mr. Peanutbutter pins Diane to the wall as the two struggle against one another. As his voicemail message ends, Mr. Peanutbutter proposes to Diane, and she accepts. BoJack believes that he is "the one who has suffered the most because of the actions of BoJack Horseman.". Woodchuck declines due to the sheer ludicrously, although after a month people will not let the challenge go. In the Season 3 episode, "It's You," Todd finally snaps when he learns that BoJack had sex with Emily, and calls out BoJack on all the other things he's done. Both characters have acted selfishly. Diane goes on antidepressants, which lead her to gain weight, but nonetheless do make her happier, less irritable, and in general more content. BoJack pays a surprise visit to Diane, who is still in her pajamas and has surrounded the living room with empty pizza boxes, coffee cups, and beer bottles. As they eat dinner while sitting on the edge by the hotel, Mr. Peanutbutter asks Diane about her once saying she wanted a ballroom. This causes a big argument between the two, ending with Diane leaving the writing team for Philbert and with BoJack telling Diane about what happened in New Mexico. Intrepid Reporter: She compromises her integrity by sleeping with BoJack. When Diane gets back to her apartment in L.A., she receives these, and the final letter he wrote can be heard, saying he wish he never spent so much of his life bioengineered miserable when it didnt have to be. Diane asks if Wanda's making him kick her out, which BoJack denies. Admittedly, the titular character learns to appreciate his friends more in the series finale. Diane is mentioned in The View from Halfway Down, where after BoJack realizes during his dream hes actually drowning, he remembers before he went in his pool he called Diane. At one point, Diane breaks down about how she's going to die trapped underground because of her husband, and surrounded by his ex-wives. He explains that he T-boned some asshole and quotes something Philbert says. Since Season 1 of the Netflix series, BoJack and Diane have been best friends, but a case could be made that these two are toxic for each other. He claims he does big gestures because he's scared she'll get bored of him and leave like his previous wives, The jacket she wears for the second half of. She states she doesn't want Mr. Peanutbutter to be governor because she thinks he would be bad at it. Her neck is considerably long, this later becomes more noticeable after she cuts her hair short. Guy them gives her a winter coat that resembles her jacket, since she always had to borrow his when they walked outside. She briefly glances at BoJack from the corner of her eye. She tells him that marriage is a lie as you can't promise someone that you'll be with them forever, but it's still a lie based on truth, and the belief is more important than the thing itself. She later becomes even more overwhelmed after another failed attempt to write and breaks down when she reveals to Guy she stopped taking her meds, saying shes terrible and wants to die. Attempting to deny the truth in Cuddly's words, only for Diane to simply state she just wants to go home. She goes on to tell him that she chose to be a character consultant for the Secretariat movie, which would make them coworkers once shooting begins. Some examples of this are leaking chapters of BoJack's biography against his will, accusing her husband of making things "all about him" (which is partially true) to cover for her own unhappiness with her life choices, and going as far as to write BoJack's confession about Penny to the reporter from Start Spreading The News into the Philbert script after Ana gives her the confiscated confession tape after BoJack tells her "were the same.". The next day, Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter finally return to their new home. He makes his way into the world of BoJack, and eventually ends up in the crosshairs of Diane. The doctor comes in and tells her blood work is good, but to not do any more drugs in the time beingbecause she's pregnant. Commence Fracking is the fourth episode of Season 4 of the Netflix original series BoJack Horseman, and the 40th episode overall. Hollyhock thinks that's a weird name, but BoJack retorts by saying she also has a weird name. She also mentions that she knows that BoJack did something to a girl in New Mexico. He quickly leaves, leaving Dr. Indira having to lose two clients in one day. Then, Biel has a public meltdown over having avocado on her plate despite requesting not to have them, and Diane decides to make it her new blog post. Shortly before, she has dinner with Mr. Peanutbutter, who she has remained on good terms with, although she is annoyed by him and the waitress, Pickles, an excitable, young female pug, hitting it off. Meanwhile, the party guests have turned against Mr. Peanutbutter, and his ex-wife Jessica Biel sets Zach Braff on fire and claims fire is their god. Am I Busted? He finalizes the call by stating that they'd discuss what happened in the morning. To his disgust, it's his cold ex-wife, Katrina. Diane angrily tells Tom he's a journalist and won't tell his audience the truth. She then vents about how more people will watch Philbert than read anything she writes, and how being a woman isn't just a hobby, and men get a lot more advantages than women do. BoJack tells her someone got mad at him and told him he ruins everything and that's just what he is, but actually hearing that out loud made him realize how stupid it sounds, even though he believed it for a long time and thought he couldnt change. Every day." And now you know me." In the next room, which is themed after Starbucks, Diane does admit that he went all out. BoJack and Diane, still a bit drunk, try to figure out what to do, and realize that there might be a well of water beneath them. In Yes And, she is shown to continue lying to Mr. Peanutbutter about being in Cordovia. Diane accompanies BoJack on his visit to Herb Kazzaz, his former best friend who was dying of rectal cancer. Ralph wants to wait and pay the check, but Princess Carolyn spins a story about them having an amazing, intelligent son named Philbert, but he wont exist if they dont leave that instant. At the abortion clinic, Diane complains about Sextina bad Princess Carolyn to Mr. Peanutbutter, who listens and voice his support to everything she says. Diane asks him if going to New York or making the Secretariat movie that he wanted would've made him happy. Diane leaves the party sobbing. BoJack helps Hollyhock search for her mom. The final half of the season brings closure to the open relationship Peanutbutter (Paul F. Tompkins) has with his fiancee, Pickles. Matt Garofalo This story is really her way of telling Guy she wants to move in with him in Chigaco. Diane says it's definitely the best thing for him. She then goes to GirlCroosh but sees the office has been tented, and Stefani tells her to work from home for the next month. Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter's divorce is finalized. However, Dianes new positivity comes to a halt after a relapsed drunk BoJack leaves her a voicemail saying he was going to drown himself if she didnt pick up. Everyone in the audience does this and is shocked. Diane Nguyen Later, Princess Carolyn is forced to fire Diane due to VIM closing for failing. Diane apologizes, although BoJack says it's his fault, and she offers to watch another episode of Horsin' Around with her. He also reveals to her he is seeing Pickles romantically, but Diane tells him she's happy for him. His feelings develop into something more despite Diane being in a relationship with Mr. Peanutbutter. She and BoJack, after meeting with Pinky in New York, stop in Boston for Diane to quickly give her condolences. Species Author of Ivy Tran, Food Court DetectiveWriterGhostwriter (formerly)Writer for Girl Croosh (formerly)Celebrity Tweet Ghostwriter (Season 3)Consulting producer for Philbert (formerly)Character consultant for Secretariat) (formerly)Barista (formerly)Caterer (formerly) BoJack said this, and it's heartbreaking, as BoJack finally admits he doesn't love himself. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Sextina is pleased by the attention this will bring her, and tells Diane she's re-hired and that she wants to keep going along with the lie. BoJack returns home and misses Hollyhock, so he goes to every woman he slept with, and asks them if he got them pregnant. In BoJack the Feminist, controversial actor Vance Waggoner, with a history of abusive and offensive behavior that inevitably tends to go overlooked, is cast as Fritz on Philbert, and is about to receive a Forgivie Award. Sebastian says he's here to help the people, she's here to help them by helping him write a book about how great he is, so people will donate to his organization. It is normal to want to see characters live happily ever after just like they hope to find happy endings in their day-to-day lives. However, Hollyhock reveals she didn't want to find him because she needs a dad, she simply just wants to know who her biological mom is. If Diane's beliefs about Vance hold true for everyone, BoJack can't make things right. He comforts Diane by telling her the ways he appreciates her in a letter from "Leo," and that she is too good for her family, and she shouldn't waste her time trying to impress them just for closure. And You Have No Idea., I Need To Go Take A Shower So I Cant Tell If Im Crying Or Not., Why Did You Save Me? 7 The Dog Days Are Over (S5 E2) Netflix. Although he cares for them, his selfishness has fractured his friendships almost beyond repair. While they eat at Parmadillos he tells her she never talks about her past like BoJack or Mr. Peanutbutter, and she retorts thats shes been living with him for six months and still hasnt met his son. She's culpable for Sara Lynn's death. Diane asks BoJack why he can't be on her side. He opens the car door, suggesting if he could just go back home. When BoJack asks if she ever gave up a baby for adoption, she says yes, to the excitement of Hollyhock, who hugs her "mother." But it takes until the show's sixth and final season for Diane to embrace what that . Even though her friendship with BoJack is sometimes unhealthy, she helps him anyway by suggesting rehab. Spoilers ahead for BoJack Horseman Season 5. This pushes Diane over the limit and decides she won't stop talking about Hank until justice is served. BoJack stubbornly disavows Diane's work and states that he can write a satisfactory version himself before the publishing deadline in one week. This causes Woodchuck's ratings to drop even more. Princess Carolyn says theyll have him release an apology where he confirms certain parts of the story but denies other parts so that in everyone's head BoJack has apologized for the really bad stuff without legally implicating himself. She explains the leak was a calculated move and points out that many people love BoJack from reading the chapters and the unreleased book is gaining lots of attention. It is even harder to explain when they are very skilled at hiding it, to the point no one has any clue they are suffering. Diane finds BoJack near the red carpet. Just then, a young woman sitting next to them asks if she knows Sextina Aquafina, and when Diane confirms this the woman says it's really cool she's using her music to empower women, and that she herself feels stronger due to her music. Princess Carolyn consoles her saying Ivy Tan could do that to, and she likes the idea of her own daughter growing up with books like that, convincing Diane to write Ivy Tran. According to the model sheets, she is 5 1/2 feet tall when barefoot and stands at about 53-54 when wearing boots. Diane Nguyen was born on March 19, 1980, and she grew up in Boston, Massachusetts. Do They Know Things?? Diane says she can handle it, but she ends up returning to L.A. She doesn't tell Mr. Peanutbutter, who earlier apologized for being against her going to Cordovia and told her he was proud, and she instead hides out at BoJack's house where she loafs around and sleeps on his deck, much to the annoyance of Wanda. In What Time Is It Right Now, Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter are about to get "back to normal" as they prepare to move into their new home. BoJack agrees. She also served as a consultative writer for the film but was asked to do menial tasks such as making sure nobody tripped over the cables. The agony of . Diane then jokingly says, "I must have one of those faces.". ", Diane then remarks it's a nice night. While BoJack is having another session with Dr. Indira, Diane breaks in and catches him. No matter how hard he tries, BoJack Horseman can't hate himself into being a good person. Diane tries to work from her apartment, but its crappiness prevents her from doing so. These BoJack Horseman quotes were spoken by BoJack's mom, Beatrice Horseman. Now this may just be me trying to create unnecessary drama, for BoJack has changed for the better this season. Do BoJack and Diane end up together? With all the controversy, the movie is canceled. Innocently Insensitive: She tells BoJack when they're about to sleep together to "get up on her boat." Too bad it triggered his feelings about Penny Carson. She gives him the idea to have a housewarming party, and she agrees to come. Tom counters that they don't know for certain if these accusations are true, but Diane argues back it was eight different women who all said the same thing, although Tom believes not enough is known about those women to actually trust their accusations. Sometime after moving there, she worked as a barista at Starbucks and also as a part-time caterer with her friends Roxy and Wayne, the latter of whom she briefly dated. Diane in 2007, with her then boyfriend Wayne and Roxy, working at Starbucks. She and Guy go to a meeting at the in progress Whitewhale building where they are given a large binder full of subsidiaries owned by Whitehwale that they cannot talk bad about. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. In the meantime, BoJack's movie is going downhill, as it is now a feel-good film instead of dark and gritty, Kelsey was fired and replaced by a director who doesn't seem to care that much, and who BoJack ticked off, resulting in him demanding multiple re-shoots, preventing BoJack from acting in an off-Broadway play in New York. Mr. Peanutbutter arrives to confirm his suspicions of BoJack having feelings for Diane by stealing the "D," but offers to help BoJack return the D secretly under the condition BoJack stops pursuing Diane romantically. Mr. Peanutbutter challenges Woodchuck to a ski-race, where the winner will be named governor. Diane says that he should feel guilty, and rants about how she also feels like trash over the past year; not like a warm, cozy trash-can fire but as a full-on flaming garbage barge. They both worry about what to do next; Mr. Peanutbutter proposes that he will inform Pickles that he'll be getting back with her divorced wife, but Diane rebuts, saying that he really needs to take responsibility. BoJack is later forced to go back to set because he learns if he doesn't the studio will sue him. Todd asks Diane to run a DNA test on two hair samples which he says are Channing Tatum's and his daughter's, when they're actually BoJack and his potential daughter Hollyhock's. He closes the door and asks her why she's being so nice to him after everything he had done. After hearing the news he survived, she was angry, and she stopped trusting her happiness and became depressed out of guiltdue to the constant mindset she held about having to be BoJacks savior. In the album, she crossed out all of their faces. Netflix's BoJack Horseman, a brightly colored cartoon about a literal horse-man, manages to humanize addiction while satirizing treatment-industry tropes that pervade the genre. Diane reveals that after she got his voicemail essentially making her feel like his attempted suicide was her fault, and after the news of his survival, she was angry, and she stopped trusting her happiness and became depressed out of guilt, telling BoJack he has always made her feel like shes had to be his savior, and initially didnt go with Guy, who she refers to as her boyfriend at the time, to Houston.

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