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; Time to Turn it Around, Men. As of now, his son is a family man with a . It was a little crowded on the slave ships. "[46], Peterson has one son. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Insensible to the happenings, Jesse Lee Peterson followed the same pattern as his parents: His father and mother had an intimate relationship without being married. When Jesse was 2 years old, his family moved to Los Angeles, CA. Jesse holds men's conferences, town halls, & rallies aimed at rebuilding men. Join Follow 7.49K. 2/15/23 Wednesday, Hour 3: MANHOOD HOUR! Also though late, Jesse seems to have understood the value of a wife and family in his life; at least his Twitter posts say so. 2/3/23 Friday, Hour 1: Who's Programming the AI? NYPD lowering standards, John Fetterman, Gisele Fetterman, 3/3/2023, Friday, Hour 1: Express yourself Friday! The Cult & Enigma of Pastor Jesse Lee Peterson : r/cults - Reddit For rates and information, call: 1-877-932-2877 (or use contact form at left). 2/1/23 Wednesday, Hour 1: Black Legacy; Wife Trying to Destroy Me! In 2019, he referred to activist Andrew Yang as a socialist because of his proposal for a universal basic income. As a youngster, Peterson lived in Gary with his mother and stepfather, briefly attending Edison High School. ', and if he 'likes Latin, Wednesday, Dec 6th, black comedian, actor, and writer Ty Barnett joins Jesse once again for interview/debate about black, Luenell (@Luenell and, actress and comedienne, defends Maxine Waters (the Wicked Witch of the West) and former. WHAT DA? Full shows: CastBox | iTunes | TuneIn | Stitcher | Highlights: SoundCloud, Check out Jesse's nonprofit, BOND, "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man", 2015new Date().getFullYear()>2010&&document.write("-"+new Date().getFullYear()); All Rights Reserved, (4/28/23), FRIDAY, Hour 1: Children suffering, callers, (4/27/23), Thursday, Hour 1: Bill Lockwood, (4/27/23), Thursday, Hour 2: Callers, ESG, (4/26/23), Wednesday, Hour 1: Trees, Crime, America, (4/26/23), Wednesday, Hour 3: Tucker, Don Lemon, callers, (4/25/23), Tuesday, Hour 1: Democrats, RFK Jr., callers, (4/25/23), Tuesday, Hour 2: back to callers. 2/24/23 Friday, Hour 2: Christian Discrimination & Amazing Calls, 2/24/23 Friday, Hour 3: People Love Lies; Get It Off Your Chest Friday. 2/27/23 Monday, Hour 1: How is Black History Month Going? 2/10/23 Friday, Hour 3: Are You a Loner? 80K Followers, 1,181 Following, 1,549 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Jesse Lee Peterson (@jesseleepeterson) 2/3/23 Friday, Hour 3: Get It Off Your Chest! As a disclaimer, there is no educational merit to this exchange whatsoever. The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, LIVE M-F 6-9 AM PT (8-11 CT / 9-noon ET) Call-in 888-77-JESSE (888-775-3773) Church with Jesse Lee . Check out Jesse's nonprofit, BOND, "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man", 2015new Date().getFullYear()>2010&&document.write("-"+new Date().getFullYear()); All Rights Reserved, TOPIC: They really are coming for the children, Biden campaign ad, Dem lawmakers in VA hot mic, Trump campaign ad, JOSH GA: "how to know if, TOPIC: Biden ad/Trump ad, DENNY BULGARIA: "I understand thoughts, I don't have love", VICTORIA TX: "I understand thoughts now", ORLANDO NY:, TOPIC: C GA: "I am my body and my thoughts", SHAMON NC: "life experiences, forgiving my mother", SUPERCHATS. When one race enslaves another race, it's racist.4) If you were planning on saying nothing but spewing Jesse's catch phrases, congratulations, you are among the dumbest people alive.Watch my other debunks/debates/discussions: ProfessorDaveExplains@gmail.comPATREON out \"Is This Wi-Fi Organic?\", my book on disarming pseudoscience!Amazon:\rBarnes and Noble: Book Depository: Judicial Watch, a conservative organization, represented Peterson in the lawsuit. He took part in debates at Politicon, the annual political convention. Nevertheless, Jesse paid for his disgraceful acts before finding peace in his life. [19][20][21], From 1999 to 2004, Peterson chose Martin Luther King Jr. Day to hold a "National Day of Repudiation of Jesse Jackson" to highlight his opposition to Jackson, who was near King when he was assassinated. Pastor Jesse Lee Peterson: Jesus is not God, He is the son of God "Uniting the races with truth instead of dividing them with lies" M-F 6-9am PT call-in: 888-775-3773 - Jesse's nonprofit, BOND: "Rebuilding the family by rebuilding the man" -, (4/28/23), FRIDAY, Hour 1: Children suffering, callers, TOPIC: They really are coming for the children, Biden campaign ad, Dem lawmakers in VA hot mic, Trump campaign ad, JOSH GA: "how to know if I've truly forgiven", HAKE NEWS, TOPIC: Biden ad/Trump ad, DENNY BULGARIA: "I understand thoughts, I don't have love", VICTORIA TX: "I understand thoughts now", ORLANDO NY: "comment on Yuri Besmenov", C GA: "state of the country, how we got here", HAKE NEWS, TOPIC: C GA: "I am my body and my thoughts", SHAMON NC: "life experiences, forgiving my mother", SUPERCHATS, (4/27/23), Thursday, Hour 1: Bill Lockwood, TOPIC: ESG, Socialism, Bill Lockwood, Atzlan, Immigration, (4/27/23), Thursday, Hour 2: Callers, ESG, TOPIC: COLANDRA TN: "should I sign husband's divorce papers? Jesse Lee Peterson - YouTube Uniting the Races with Truth Instead of Dividing Them with Lies! Jesse Lee Peterson - YouTube Uncle Tom II is an odyssey depicting the gradual demoralization of America through Marxist infiltration of its institutions. He stated that women "can't handle power in the right way", that they "have no patience", and "don't have love". 2/16/23 Thursday, Hour 3: Homeless Overrun Chicago? Jesse Lee Peterson hangs up during phone interview about his son born (3/16/23), Thursday, Hour 2: back to callers, celebrities talk about Christianity, (3/16/23), Thursday, Hour 3: back to callers, UC Davis, Antifa, Air Force, (3/15/23), Wednesday, Hour 1: Smollet hoax, Fake rape, caller, (3/15/23), Wednesday, Hour 2: callers, Eric Adams, (3/15/23), Wednesday, Hour 3: Manhood Hour, Miltary talk, Antifa, callers, (3/14/23), Tuesday, Hour 1: hangman's noose?, callers, (3/14/23), Tuesday, Hour 2: Callers, BLM leaders, new statue, (3/14/23), Tuesday, Hour 3: robot soldiers, experts, callers, (3/13/23), Monday, Hour 1: Border, taxes, callers, (3/13/23), Monday, Hour 2: SVB shuts down, wife gives out beatings, (3/13/23), Monday, Hour 3: back to callers, 3/10/23, Friday, Hour 1: Drug Cartel, LA cops shot, LA-Times, callers, 3/10/23, Friday, Hour 3: Colin Kaepernick, China, Trump, callers, 3/9/23, Thursday, Hour 1: Baptism, callers, Hake News, 3/9/23, Thursday, Hour 2: NYC Masks, El Salvador, back to callers, 3/9/23, Thursday, Hour 3: Women, confusion, back to callers, 3/8/2023, Wednesday, Hour 1: Antifa, Brooklyn Professor, callers, 3/8/2023, Wednesday, Hour 2: back to callers, CA walgreens, callers, 3/8/2023, Wednesday, Hour 3: back to callers, 3/7/2023, Tuesday, Hour 1: Everyone has a role, Antifa, 4 callers, 3/7/2023, Tuesday, Hour 2: Back to callers, picking sides, anger, Biden, gas prices, 3/7/2023, Tuesday, Hour 3: Trade jobs, student debt, theft, anger, callers. In 1989, he claims to have started his own janitorial service. BOND (Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny) has a charity button oneBay! Peterson accused Jackson of threatening him and his son Jonathan Jackson of assaulting him when meeting with Toyota executives in Los Angeles in 2001. 2/16/23 Thursday, Hour 2: Is Anger Ever OK? Does anybody know the origins of the beliefs of Jesse Lee Peterson? Jesse Lee Peterson has an estimated net worth of $200 Thousand as of April 2023. Bible Thumper Thursday Calls! [7] He attended Los Angeles City College for one year. He hails from Midway, Alabama, United States and is the founder of a Christian ministry named Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND). Jesse Lee Peterson knows the value of wife, married life, and family after he got estranged with his son, he fathered first at age 19. Allegations of Manosphere Pastor's Gay Past Roil Macho Men - Daily Beast Like flying coach on the airplane. Bio. Mandi is an experienced writer on various topics with a passion for telling stories with words. BOND hosted its 11th Annual Mens Conference at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando, FL. Jesse was on Nick Buckley's show Nick Talks, A Hispanic Univision reporter asks a white man with blood streaming down his face 'if he's a racist? He is a pretty goofy conservative guy on youtube who is very stubborn in his beliefs. In Jesse Lee Peterson has emerged as one of the right's most vocal anti-gay figures, but his one-time friends now allege that the pastor has had many same-sex relationships. 2/6/23 Monday, Hour 3: Help I'm Addicted to Sugar? Check out Jesse's nonprofit, BOND, "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man", 2015new Date().getFullYear()>2010&&document.write("-"+new Date().getFullYear()); All Rights Reserved, TOPIC: They really are coming for the children, Biden campaign ad, Dem lawmakers in VA hot mic, Trump campaign ad, JOSH GA: "how to know if, TOPIC: Biden ad/Trump ad, DENNY BULGARIA: "I understand thoughts, I don't have love", VICTORIA TX: "I understand thoughts now", ORLANDO NY:, TOPIC: C GA: "I am my body and my thoughts", SHAMON NC: "life experiences, forgiving my mother", SUPERCHATS. It doesn't matter if there were times that slavery wasn't racist. 2/13/23 Monday, Hour 3: Baby Mama Drama; Disobedient Wives & Your Calls! ; Chicago Loves Pain. But You're BLACK, Jesse! He's a radio and TV talk show host, activist, author, pastor and counselor.. Jesse grew up on a plantation near Tuskegee, Alabama, during the Jim Crow era, before moving to Los Angeles as a young man. 3/2/2023, Thursday, Hour 3: your wife will destroy eveything you love, don't share bank accounts, Biden student loans, educated people ruining the country, 3/1/23 Wednesday, Hour 1: Lori Lightfoot Loses! The film explores how this deceptive ideology has torn apart the fabric of society while using black America as its number one tool for its destruction. He is the creator of the Christian organization Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND) and the host of The Fallen State TV and The Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show. 53 were here. ", "AFPAC III: Elected Officials Support White Supremacist Event", "Amber Rose Calls Trump 'Kanye In A White Man's Body,' Calls Out Hypocrisy Of Men Sleeping With Multiple Women", "Rev. In 2017-2018, Petersons radio show was shown on Newsmax TV. (3/22/23), Wednesday, Hour 1: China and Russia peace deal, (3/22/23), Wednesday, Hour 2: Katie Hobbs, Talonya Adams, (3/22/23), Wednesday, Hour 3: back to callers, (3/21/23), Tuesday, Hour 1: Fear is an evil spirit, Southern border crossing, callers, (3/21/23), Tuesday, Hour 2: back to callers, (3/21/23), Tuesday, Hour 3: Hilary Ronen, back to callers, (3/20/23), Monday, Hour 1: Crime in California, banning skittles, (3/20/23), Monday, Hour 2: reparations in CA, callers talk about Florida, (3/20/23), Monday, Hour 3: Alvin Bragg, back to callers, (3/17/23), Friday, Hour 1: Neo-Conservatives, Warmongering, Russia, (3/17/23), Friday, Hour 2: Evil mama spirit, Kamala, callers, (3/17/23), Friday, Hour 3: California, teacher strike, callers, (3/16/23), Thursday, Hour 1: Weak Leaders, Tiger Woods, callers. Jesse Lee Peterson LIVE 2) We have Jesse forgetting to log out of an all gay site, a public FACT. Uniting The Races With Truth Instead of Dividing Them With Lies, Watch | Podcast | JLP Network | Exclusives/Donate | Contact/Tip, Talk Stream Live: App Store | Google Play | TalkStreamLive, TSL Listen line: 641-793-1500 or 585-652-0610 Political analyst Kirsten Powers confronted Peterson on Sean Hannity's program on Fox News, accusing him of using his status as a pastor to preach hatred and fear of women. - YouTube #JesseLeePeterson #falseteachingPastor Jesse Lee Peterson explains why Jesus is not God.. Botched theology. Contact the producer to send interview guest ideas, story tips, and feedback. Mr. Jesse Lee Peterson, 72, of Lumberton, passed away August 17, 2020. Know his wife prospect plus net worth, education, age, height and more. Show | The Official Website of Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson [40][48], Peterson's views on women have been described as misogynist. Email: Peterson", "Jesse Lee Peterson at Reform Party National Convention, Day 3, Session 2, 2000 |", "Barbour native has strong words for Obama, Dems", "LA County to boycott Arizona over immigration law", "Jesse Lee Peterson Leads Tea Partiers' Protest Of NAACP Convention -- With A Side Order Of Nativism", "Black Tea Party group to rally against the NAACP", "Trump supporters protest Gloria Allred role in sexual assault allegations", "Donald Trump supporters protest outside lawyer Gloria Allred's office", "Politicon debate on immigration and the wall turns heated", "Photo: Jesse Lee Peterson at 'No One's Above the Law' Panel at Politicon", "Politicon Speakers Bio Page: Rev. ", HAKE NEWS, TOPIC: Back to callers, COLANDRA, Tucker Carlson releases statement, TRACY CA: "I appreciate you Jesse, you don't use people", RACHEL WV: "comment on Bill Lockwood: colleges", SUPERCHATS, Check out the trailer for nefarious Steve Deaces movie @ Jesse works with individuals, couples, and families at BOND, and speaks with people all around the world. 2/17/23 Friday, Hour 2: Clinically Depressed Leaders? He earns an annual salary of $200 thousand. Uncle Tom II will take the audience deeper into black Americas often eradicated history of honorable men, entrepreneurship, prosperity, faith, and patriotism, to its current perceived state of anger, discontent and victimhood. Contact the producer to send interview guest ideas, story tips, and feedback. He believes that Jesus is not God but only the son of God. For good, Jesse and his son worked on their disagreements and repaired their relationship. on Maxine Waters, Michelle Obama, Meghan Markle, and Colin Kaepernick. Jesse is on CAMEO! Jesse Lee Peterson 7.49K Followers. 2/28/23 Tuesday, Hour 3: Take Control of Your Life! 2/10/23 Friday, Hour 1: You Do NOT Love Your PET and It Don't Love You! He is the founder of Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND), a Christian ministry, and hosts the programs The Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show and The Fallen State TV. Controversial manosphere misogonist Jesse Lee Peterson has been accused of being a hypocrite on gay sex. Dennis Prager, a conservative talk radio broadcaster, wrote the forewords to two of Petersons books. Jesse Lee Peterson got a young woman pregnant years ago and had a child out of wedlock and he never married her -Jesse was conceived out of wedlock because his natural father and mother never married so his mother married another man before Jesse was born to make it look like Jesse was not born out of wedlock but Jesse is always being critical on his radio show and calling other young blacks immoral and children of the devil because some of them had children out of wedlock but he never mentions his son was born out of wedlock; Jesse has hid this fact for many years while he constantly hypocritically condemns others that had children out of wedlock. He got to spent some years with his son, but eventually, his baby mama became another man's wife. They're Just Like Us! by stating men are "slut makers". Program Directors and Station Managers, are you interested in airing The Jesse Lee Peterson Show on your station? 2/15/23 Wednesday, Hour 2: Are You on Tinder? [3]Peterson stated in a 2012 sermon that "one of the greatest mistakes America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote." The scheme of it is that in each episode a guest is interviewed one-to-one by Peterson himself: just that - simples ! He has been engaged twice but never married. 2/13/23 Monday, Hour 1: Lift Every Voice & Sing? American Liberty with Bill Lockwood: Bill joins Jesse the last Tuesday of the month. Read Before It's Too Late:-5 Nonfiction Books To Read Before You Die. 3/1/23 Wednesday, Hour 3: MANHOOD HOUR! (TSL will change the number periodically), Radio affiliate: WMQM AM 1600 Memphis 9 AM CT hour. Twitter: @BiographyScoop Jesse Lee Peterson Says Blacks Should Be Sent 'Back To Plantation' To Boost Work Ethic", "South L.A. Rev. Check out Jesse's nonprofit, BOND, "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man", 2015new Date().getFullYear()>2010&&document.write("-"+new Date().getFullYear()); All Rights Reserved. He was born with a cleft palate that was not repaired until his teens. Jesse's a piercing, insightful counselor, offering sound advice on the issues of life. Peterson referred to Trayvon Martin as a thug in 2013. 3/2/2023, Thursday, Hour 2: Back to callers, My father is depressed, Trinity? He and I exchanged some words regarding racism, politics, and psychology, and hilarity ensued. The Official Website of Jesse Lee Peterson Jesse Lee Peterson Talk Show Host, Pastor, Counselor, Author, Activist The Jesse Lee Peterson Show Mon - Fri 6-9am PT / 9-noon ET The Fallen State New episodes every Friday Church Join us for Church Sunday 11am PT / 2pm ET WORLD PREMIERE - AUGUST 26, 2022

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