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And I think that lays into the final part of the definition, which is that we engage in this type of unnecessary voluntary delay of these intended tasks despite knowing there will be negative consequences for ourselves and others. The puzzling psychology of procrastination and how to stop it And I'll mention one final thing too. 20 Best Procrastination Podcasts You Must Follow in 2023 - Feedspot Blog If you have comments or ideas for future podcasts, you can email us at Because youve given us a lot of tips on managing yourself individually. So sort of drilling down into understanding better that emotional side. Im an anxious person. One of the findings I really like is about ambivalent emotions. Making time for time management. Thank you for listening. So the researchers that have looked at what people do to procrastinate on their bedtimes, it's not just digitally oriented distractions, they engage in a whole bunch of things. CURT NICKISCH: Whats your understanding of procrastination? And help from a managers perspective, drawing that out of people is something that is a skill that any manager should have. What does emotion regulation have to do with procrastination? So rather than frame it in terms of productivity, which I think feeds into a lot of our social norms about what we should and shouldn't be doing and how much we should and shouldn't be doing, I'd rather frame it around whether you're reaching your goals or not or do you have all these things you started and never finished, do you have all these unfulfilled goals that you just never got round to doing because of fear of failure or just worried it wasn't going to be good enough or worried whether you could manage maybe some of the challenges that you might face when you engage with that task? Mills: So a moment ago you mentioned the couch and the screen, being able to get away from those things, and I'm wondering whether does the ubiquity of social media and electronic devices have an impact on procrastination or have procrastinators always been able to find excuses to put things off? If you want to pursue therapy for your procrastination, cognitive behavioral therapy can help. Whatever the causes, those other causes will be mixed in. Impostor Syndrome involves feeling like you're not the person people think you areas if youre deceiving everyone. The Psychology of Procrastination: Why We Delay and How to - LinkedIn We all feel guilty about it. She believes in the importance of communicating psychological science to the public to improve people's lives and has been interviewed about procrastination for news outlets including The Washington Post, The New York Times and the BBC. And really the name of the game is people changing themselves. What are you working on now? So itll be things like if your air conditioner starts making you funny noise. Its incredibly successful. So there's this thing called perfectionistic concerns, which is of a self-critical type of perfectionism where the person has really high standards for themselves and is really driven to try and please other people. This is called procrastination. So lots of forms of problem solving benefit from an incubation period where you take a pause between when you hear the problem and when you start working on it. So if we tell people to recall a time that they're procrastinating and then give them this sort of script that re-frames that experience in a self-compassionate manner, basically You're not the first person to procrastinate, nor will you be the last. Im Curt Nickisch. The research psychologist, author and DePaul University professor sits down for a truly delightful exploration of why we procrastinate, how prevalent it is, when it becomes harmful, some myths about procrastination, why it's similar to gambling, how decision-making can feel paralyzing, how to trust your own abilities, and most importantly -- what You'll gain practical knowledge you can put into action right away. What Im saying is that people should personalize their systems to them. Boredom / Low Interest - Interest can be considered an emotion with motivational properties related to approach. So there's short-term health impacts, but there's also some more serious long-term health impacts as well. Mills: So last question. So depending on how complex this task is, my system can have up to six or seven steps. We often dont start the project early enough to know how much time well actually need.Ive planned and organized how I will complete the task, its time for a break!. Just do it and you'll feel a lot better than you think you will. But we can easily say it's all to do with mood management," Sirois says. And so thats useful. He approaches the platform of Instagram through his strengths and his posts get like 40-50,000 likes each post. Fear of failure, fear of . Procrastination, Depression and Creativity | Psychology Today So if I frame it like that, Im a lot more willing to do it. How can we create better habits to avoid procrastinating? Im thinking of putting something off until Friday afternoon and then writing an email to kick it into somebody elses pile of work at the end of the week. (Message automatically replaces this text). I mean, that being said, there has been some experimental research done where they gave students a range of tasks easy and more difficult and looked at the time on task and what things they did otherwise. So ambivalent emotion is when youre feeling fearful and exhilarated all at the same time or any combination of intense positive and intense negative emotions. Mais si cette procrastination tait en fait tout simplement de la rsistance au changement ? And then there are other countries where efficiency and productivity are highly valued. You might be procrastinating when: There is a gap between your intention and action You feel like avoiding something You find yourself easily distracted You feel overwhelmed by tasks at the last minute You always feel rushed to complete a project And you see this a lot. 15 Best Self-Help Podcasts - Choosing Therapy I just want to ask if perfectionism and procrastination are linked and are perfectionists more or less likely to procrastinate? Im not advocating anyone adopt my system. So if you're a student and you're procrastinating on your academic work, then it's likely you're not going to do as well performance-wise. Sirois: Well, I think that's really key. They tend to also have more insecure job status, in other words, they're jumping from job to job and they never really advance much, and they actually make less money than people who don't chronically procrastinate. People who deal with Impostor Syndrome take negative statements and magnify them, adding them to the pile of proof that they arent as capable as people believe them to be. Instead, it's a problem, as you say, of emotion regulation. Menu. I mean it's really bizarre. And so we first think, Oh, well, no one likes doing boring tasks. So the idea is, okay, well, if you have habits of doing your boring tasks, then you wont need as much self-control to get those done. So the classic example thats always used in any intro psych textbook is driving: that once were not a novice driver anymore, whenever we sit in the driver seat of a car, we go through a sequence of behaviors without really even thinking about what we are doing. Or you may just do it from time to time depending on the circumstances. And I think people tend to oversimplify that. Its the idea that you can use your emotions as fuel for your goals, that you dont need to reduce your negative emotions. And so we know it's associated with higher rates of depression and anxiety, definitely higher rates of stress, that's one thing I found consistently, not just with students that I've done research with, but also adults out in the community. CURT NICKISCH: Well, Alice youve given people a lot of tools to deal with something that can really be frustrating. . Its really been great to have you on the show to talk about it. What are the sort of consequences that they experience? It was engineered by Patrick Murray, and the digital . So I'm curious to know whether the rates of procrastination over the last couple decades are increasing over time as well. When procrastination is a problem, thats when you want to have some strategies so that you can feel confident that you can get out of the weeds whenever you really need to. How does this play out interpersonally? And again, estimates there range between 15% to 25%, which is still quite a few people who are really engaging in procrastination as a fairly regular way of dealing with tasks that they don't want to deal with. We feel guilty about it. I would think that it's more aboutit's not necessarily that you would procrastinate more or less necessarily depending on what the restraints were. Sirois: Myself as well. One of the main reasons people procrastinate is fear. You can find her article, How to Stop Procrastinating in the May/June, 2022 issue of Harvard Business Review and at And yet we still do it. So think, again, using your values is a really good thing there. This is good for willpower training. And we all want to learn from science. So there are some sort of useful forms of it but obviously it can also tie people in knots and lead to lots of self-criticism. So you've chosen to delay and there's no really good reason to. So you hear a lot of different things. J'aurais pu dvelopper sur la gurison d . And procrastination is a form of delay, so we can say that all procrastination is delay, but not all delay is procrastination. And really what that means is that procrastination is a very specific type of delay and how researchers in the field, how we define it so that we can go out and explore what are the consequences and causes of procrastination, we define procrastination as an unnecessary form of delay. You can learn about my research at procrastination. So theres a great HBR article about how diverse teams tend to do better work, but they also tend to feel like they have more conflict. So often what we put off is stuff thats novel. If you want a behavior to require less self control, then make it a consistent habit. CURT NICKISCH: You mentioned earlier that when people do the tasks they know, those are often the easiest to do, and they put off the harder ones. And this is something that I've found in my own research too, that students who chronically procrastinate tend to report more of these sort of stress-related mild health complaints, but they also can impact engaging in health behaviors. Mindfulness is another way to help fix procrastination. This episode was produced by Mary Dooe. Procrastination - American Psychological Association Its not necessarily just about thought processes and habits, but it is such an emotional process too. For the American Psychological Association, I'm Kim Mills. But again, these very much are self-regulation strategies. A conversation with former psychologist Alice Boyes about why we keep postponing our work. Knowing what the strengths of people are or knowing how to discover them from conversation. Lower conscientiousnesslower drive to be organized and accomplish. 135 episodes Dr. Timothy A. Pychyl, associate professor of psychology and director of the Procrastination Research Group (Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada), provides a series of short talks, interviews and question/answer podcasts that explain why we procrastinate and what we can do about it. And then I think of one way to mitigate against each of them. If it was a country where the tolerance for procrastination was quite low, that might certainly have an impact, but I think it's about the acceptability as well. And then it turns into a big problem that could have been avoided. Sirois: The best way to answer that, and I do agree there's different cultural norms, if you like, and just unspoken standards about what is and isn't acceptable across different countries and different parts of the world. Sirois: The quick answer is you can't. Youre going to need more working up to doing things. Maybe with the exception of form filling and really basic things, but most things that we procrastinate we can approach through the perspective of our strengths. You build new relationships, for example, by working with a new collaborator versus with someone youve already worked with 20 times before. Since using all of these tools to beat his habit of procrastination, Dr. Brammer has been able to add more things to his life, and is still able to accomplish it all and feel confident. The Psychology of Procrastination | podcast - YouTube Rooted in psychology, our personalized lessons help you develop strategies to overcome procrastination. You might procrastinate in your health, but you may not procrastinate at work, for example. Its a really false image. We think about the immediate damage it can cause. Then, merely focus on starting the tasks, not completing them. You can extrapolate out a little bit. But I dont always do those six or seven steps. People will say its an emotional thing and its caused by people being intolerant of emotions. However, there wasn't a link with the other form of perfectionism. Some people find it easier to do things for other people than themselves. And then you've got this other flavor of perfectionism, which is this perfectionist strivers, which is more someone who's driven by their own internal standards, but these standards are still quite high. ALICE BOYES: Yeah. You'll gain practical knowledge you can put into action right away. ALICE BOYES: Yeah. So I sort of lay that out there because it's slightly different there. Its why people have workout playlists. It is the act of delaying or postponing tasks that need to be accomplished. My podcast guest this week, Dr. Jackson Brammer, says he used to be an expert procrastinator. You Are Not So Smart Other people have struggled with this task too. And then also studying it naturalistically, so recording behavior. It's just not that thing that they should be doing right now that's looming and important and will have negative consequences if they don't get it done. Danny draws on the expertise of clinical psychologists, physicians, psychiatrists and researchers in his new podcast, and he has already taken on a variety of challenging and interesting topics. Sometimes doing good for awhile gives us permission to do bad.This is stupid, I don't even care about it.Our fear and insecurities can lead to us devalue the entire project altogether. "At its core, procrastination is about not being able to manage your moods and emotions. I think that would kind of level the playing field for many people as well in terms of whether they were able to be productive or whether they found themselves falling into a trap of procrastination. It can become tired, temporarily, after extensive use. You get rewarded for doing that. And I think it makes sense though too, because if you are really driven and your whole sense of self-worth is focused on how well you do this task and you're so worried about that task, that's enough, that fear of failing, that fear of it not being good enough or not pleasing others can be enough to put you off ever even starting it. So that's conducting some experiments now to see if maybe people prone to procrastination are over-anticipating how difficult that task is going to be. ALICE BOYES: Yeah, so its quite complicated. So you take that task that's really stressing you out, you've got that report you've got to write, you're worried about what your manager's going to think because maybe a promotion rides on it, or you're worried if you're going to be doing it correctly, or if you're going to do it as perfectly as what you want, and you take that task, you put it aside and you get busy with other things and you've now have this immediate sense of relief. ALICE BOYES: Yeah. And its this notion of accepting that work will be filled with friction that is actually a productive step in getting past procrastination. Guilt is a useful emotion because it causes us to want to repair things. Because what procrastination does is it gives you immediate relief. Earlier in the morning, when your cortisol is high, when your brain is fresh, youll be able to take on the tasks youll need to be highly motivated for. Identify the emotions you feel that are associated with past tasks you havent completed. And people really think about habits in a very narrow way. But it becomes over-learned and it becomes automatic. Also, take up some form of regular willpower exercise. There was actually a really interesting study that I just read in the last few days that said that doing mindfulness meditation reduces peoples feelings of guilt, but it also causes them to be less willing to do reparative behaviors. iProcrastinate Podcast on Apple Podcasts Repeat. And there are more steps that are part of my process. Hidden Brain helps curious people understand the world-- and themselves. If you force yourself to think of three different ways, then you can assess which is the best of those. Where can you place it? I'm so glad that we did not put off this discussion. How do you define procrastination in your research? ALICE BOYES: Yeah, its actually just what I was talking about before. This can help you rebuild a habit of identifying the things we tell ourselves and have always accepted as truth. / 3 Strategies for Dealing with Procrastination. That's why we say it's sort of a short-term mood repair. And so some of the estimates, the rough estimates we've gotten for that versus somebody who procrastinates on a fairly regular basis, almost to the point where it's like part of their personality, we can almost look at it like a personality trait, that percentage of the population in student samples, for example college and university students, it's estimated about 50% of college and university students procrastinate chronically, whereas about anywhere between 80% to 95% procrastinate at least once or more, but not necessarily to a large degree. CURT NICKISCH: You also argue for people to create better systems to help them start new tasks. Our guest today offers three strategic paths to beat procrastination in a comprehensive way. Overcoming Procrastination with Dr. Hayden FInch - Apple Podcasts So things like compassionate self-talk can be really useful for them. These include relationships, being assertive, struggling with guilt and/or procrastination, children and teenager's behavior, anxiety disorders, anger management, kids and divorce, self-esteem, child visitation, weight control, forgiveness, ADHD, addictions, and my latest, mood disorders.

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