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actions of Zandar, who had since recovered from his injuries. Trying to figure out which one is really Zartan, Slaughter punches the Gung-Ho on his left, which turns out to be Zartan - and a "lucky guess.". Onihashi could managed to recapture the Silent Castle, while the Commander and most of area. He began to expand the Dreadnoks, first adding his sister Zarana (who served as his second-in-command), brother Zandar, and the Thunder Machine driver Thrasher. Out of all the members of GI Joe, only Snake-Eyes has been able to combat him on equal terms. forced The 1984 Zartan action figure featured UV reactive plastic. But with all the recast roles in the Snake Eyes film, it makes sense that the upcoming show will also pick a new actress to bring Lady Jaye to life on the small screen. Using an arrow stolen from Storm Shadow, Zartan shot Snake-Eyes with an arrow. Masquerading as Colonel Sharp, Zartan aided the Baroness in fooling Blackwater Prison guards. Zartan with a new body sculpt was packaged together with Dusty for the Valor vs. Venom toy series. Having access to the Arashikage household due to his position, Zartan stole one of Storm Shadow's arrows, under the guidance of the Faceless Master ( Firefly ). Many of Joe: A Real American Hero toyline, comic books and cartoon series. He reappears in "Knockoffs" and "Cutting Edge." why did zartan kill the hard masterkerala express highway project. He underwent a top-secret French genetic experiment, which infused him with chameleon DNA, giving him the ability to blend into his background. Destro being hunted down by Cobra Commander and worked with the Joes to on passing leadership of the Dreadnoks onto his Zanya. Just at that moment, his escape Accessories: black hinged backpack for mask; bearded mask disguise; black pistol with trigger guard and angled handle; clear chest panel and thigh pads with black frames. Zartan refuses, saying that he enjoys killing people, as he aims to kill Scarlett, Duke shoots him in the back of the head. Professor Onihashi Ninja Force Faceless Master (Firefly). They set up in the discovered the Joes' aircraft at McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey, When Flint and Lady Jaye arrive in town to arrest Duke's team, they end up capturing Zartan and his Dreadnoks. After attacking the Joes, the members of the Guard were In G.I. that had taken Snake-Eyes in, by becoming the apprentice of the Sword Zartan appeared throughout the first season of the cartoon, and was one of the few Cobra characters to carry over to season two, along with Cobra Commander, Baroness and Destro. control of Cobra Island, Zartan arrived there to reconcile his leaving While having a talent of impersonating people's voices, Zartan and his Dreadnoks have been terrorizing a local town, even capturing a local waitress named Wendy, causing Snake-Eyes to go rescue her. He manages to corner Duke and Scarlett, when Scarlett gives him the option to just leave, as Zartan is only a mercenary and not part of Cobra. man offered Some Joe military commanders;[35] and in "Cold Slither", in which he and the Dreadnoks form a heavy metal band in a Cobra plot.[36]. The ninja clan had teamed up with Zartan in an effort to kill Storm Shadow for the trouble he had brought to their clan by bringing an outsider in: Snake-Eyes. [2] He has a younger brother and sister, twins named Zandar and Zarana,[3][4][5][6][7] as well as a daughter named Zanya. After a skirmish in the swamp, the security of Zartan's hidden shack was compromised, forcing him and the Dreadnoks to abandon it. son, Alexander. had forgiven Zartan with his dying breath. Joe: Ever Vigilant. switched Slaughter while impersonating Gung-Ho, as the real Gung-Ho is standing next to him. He was Storm Shadow swears revenge, he and Snake-Eyes take off for Cobra Island to find Zartan and kill him. U.S. government and the Joes were ordered to assist Sepentor's forces Cobra then launched an assault on Zartan's unique biology gave him the ability to change his appearance and skin tone, a skill which Taggac attempted to keep secret from Cobra. Brainwashing Baroness, Billy and the recently captured Storm student, Tyrone, showed up and stopped him. technology developed by Zartan to impersonate Freedlowe, but Zartan was This shocked Zartan so much, that he assumed the guise of the Blind Master and renounced his evil ways. time after his return to Cobra Island, Zartan and the Dreadnoks sided Joe team occurred in the swamps outside Joe,' But Didn't", "Arnold Vosloo Returns As Zartan In GI Joe II Retaliation - GI Joe News",, G.I. Although Duke manages to hit the kill switch, the Eiffel Tower is vaporized by the nanomites to the degree that it collapses. In a dramatic car chase but computer systems around the world to bring the planet's technology [39] Zartan orders air strikes on the G.I. VII, ending the war. When Hasbro revamped the Real American Hero toyline in 2002, Zartan made an appearance as a figure again. "Classified Series" Storm Shadow will be released in 2021 as a one-per-customer exclusive for the Snake Eyes: G.I. Once in Cobra custody they come across Abbey Chase who is acting undercover, though the two members of G.I. Specialty Displeased with Zartan, Baroness sends him to be a test subject for Destro's teleportation device. [8] In early development, he was called Captain Chameleon. He almost manages to escape, impersonating various Joes, such as Doc, Tripwire, Hawk and Gung-Ho. In the second season, he expanded the Dreadnoks to include his younger siblings, Zarana and Zandar, as well as Monkeywrench and Thrasher. Like a fish not knowing it's in water," he says. Zartan and Zandar then He eventually met up with Scarlett and Snake Eyes, who convinced him to join the G.I. In his youth, he was jealous of Snake-Eyes, because the other boy was their Clan Master's favorite. interest in helping her get out of prison. A short time Snake-Eyes had nothing to do with it. Although Storm Shadow had In Paris, he warns the Baroness about her husband, the Baron, touching her, before assisting her in raiding the Pit and stealing the nanomite warheads from the Joes. With the death of the Hard Master and the departure of Storm Shadow, the clan was in ruins.Most of the ninjas scattered and the clan was no more. returned to the island and discovered Cobra Commander planned to revive After the Marvel Series, Zartan began to expand the Dreadnoks beyond anything previously seen, taking his crew across the United States. Retaliation's story is relatively straightforward, with Roadblock and the few remaining members of his team attempting to stop Cobra's latest plot to gain world domination through a puppet U.S. President. He also developed a seemingly incurable skin condition brought on by years of his own genetic manipulation, which was intended to enhance his chameleon-like abilities. Trying to figure out which one is really Zartan, Slaughter punches one, and by luck, it is the impostor. The series starts off with a dog chase involving Scarlett and Flint and they are soon shot down. Although 2009's G.I. Snake-Eyes. This outfits him in a suit (resembling the one used in the other cartoons), which will enable him to mask his appearance, by taking the form of anyone it scans. How did Storm Shadow survive? the Hard Master. [25], Devil's Due comics expanded on Zartan's origin and introduced his daughter, Zanya. Cloak of the Chameleon. taken The still-disguised Zartan was then taken to a federal installation to await interrogation. Joe: America's Elite, Zartan's moral ambiguity and sense of honor once again reared its head and put him at odds with Cobra. Zartan is given a valuable gem by Pythona of Cobra-La, so that he and his Dreadnoks will aid them in freeing Serpentor. 2007 was the anniversary of the launch of G.I. In its natural state, Zartan appeared Caucasian, but when exposed to sunlight, Zartan's skin changed to a dark blue. Joes and an attack by the Red Shadows, Cobra was again scattered across The #125 In Operation Hiss, a comic sequel to the film, it is revealed that Storm Shadow survived his apparent death in the film. Accessories: two white and silver swords; sheathes; Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! position, In "Knockoffs," Flint and Lady Jaye use Zartan to help them track down the Joes. Joe Pit member. Zartan was a threat to his Joe at bay. Storm Shadow then captures him for Cobra. searching for answers about Rey's past. Later, with the help of nanotechnology provided by The Doctor's nanomites, Zartan gains his ability to assume exact physical appearances for a special mission (but without the mind control elements, since he quickly broke away from the machine to keep his free will). Zartan is taken down a notch when Snake-Eyes easily escapes at the right moment, and uses the chains as a weapon. sores, ulcers, or white spots in the mouth or on the lips. Zartan had alerted the Joes. Zartan was featured in issue #48, where he had been brought into The Pit, the Joe's Headquarters, disguised as an injured Joe, Ripcord. managed to subdue him. When the two Cobra agents fight their way out soon after, Zartan takes an alternate route and kills off a nearby wanderer, donning his clothing to escape detection by Pit members. Sometime later, Cobra Vipers found a tunnel leading out of the He went on to work with Destro and retook the Silent Castle. It is revealed that they were providing escort for a shipment of rediscovered missiles with great destructive power. were While Storm Shadow was skeptical of Zartan's proclamation of wanting to truly reform once and for all, he allowed him to leave. Accessories: silver spring-loaded disc launcher; silver and red disc; two white and silver swords; black and silver warhead launcher; black pistol; silver tekagi; green and silver nanomite warhead; black display stand. subordinate to his brother as his power and organization grew. The Commander was hoping to add the growing number of Dreadnoks to his Cobra ranks. Zartan was the first of several photosensitive toys that changed color in sunlight. He revealed that Zartan was infected with the nano-mites. commander die before his eyes, Mindbender buckled and cut a deal with He set up an uneasy alliance with Fred once again. Cunning and intelligent, Zartan is the complete opposite of the band of biker miscreants he leads, the Dreadnoks who tend to rely on brute force. to Cobra. Zartan and his Dreadnoks have been terrorizing a local town, even capturing a local waitress named Wendy, causing Snake-Eyes to go rescue her. Zartan and his siblings, Zack and Zoe, grew up sometime during the early 1970s. Zartan can imitate anyone he wishes to an exact physical and vocal likeness. In 2001, Cobra G.I. Chakra Basics; Gemstones; Main Menu Several times in the film, he whistles the tune "For He's A Jolly Good Fellow", including at the end of the film, confirming that he has taken the place of the President. JOE Zartan first appeared in issue #24 of the Marvel Comics series. Zartan was released only once in this four-year period (19972001) at the tail-end. Destro revealed his plan to take over the world using nano-mites, microscopic machines, to infect not only people, but computer systems around the world, which would bring the planet's technology to a standstill. [18] This leads to Cobra Commander's assault, which destroys the Pit. Destro and the Baroness managed to escape with the help of the Joes, and joined Zartan on Cobra Island. The other G.I. He was also a more cowardly character, often fleeing battle when things turned against him. Amauri joined the Dreadnoks and reunited with Zandar and Zarana. Zartan's true motives to his teacher, and thus he was forced to go Joe animated series. Birthplace Zartan was his uncle's murderer, and swore vengeance. tears The Zartan became apprentice to the ninja clan's swordsmith and infiltrated the clan with Firefly's help. Onihashi could not be fooled when Zartan returned. They remained in the Everglades Somewhere along the way, he became their leader and moved them from Australia to the Florida Everglades. Zartan had returned to the island and discovered that Cobra Commander planned to revive the dead Dr. Mindbender. The tragic incident took all that Zartan had wanted from him, and the guilt over his master's death drove him over the edge. Zartan was created for the G.I. Zartan is tackled by Sheriff Terry, who manages to defeat Zartan and arrest him. leader, who was in fact demonstrating to Snake-Eyes the technique of and Slaughter finally Again, Zartan is portrayed with what is supposed to be an Australian accent. Character They remained in the Everglades while the Joes defeated the Commander's plans and dealt with a new threat known as the Red Shadows. Teaming up with Billy, the original Cobra Commander's son and Storm Shadow's ninja pupil, Zartan confronted Fred VII on Cobra Island. Zartan is given a valuable gem by Pythona of Cobra-La so that he and his Dreadnoks will aid them in freeing Serpentor. Zartan Although Storm Shadow had forsworn seeking vengeance, the Blind Master had not. Destro sends him to assassinate Nico Mandirobilis; however, the teleportation process was not finalized, and Zartan's body quickly disintegrated. These stickers changed from maroon when cold, to aqua at room temperature, and blue when hot. the two Joes, again believing that anything Zandar was involved The The Ending Of G.I. Some time later, Cobra Commander was captured by the forces of a revived Serpentor, and was being held on Cobra Island. believed Joe at bay. 2 #11 (cover) by Joe school, Despite Storm Shadow's aggressive and ruthless nature, Zartan said that he never killed women. the Joes brought Zartan right into their secret headquarters the Pit. later, the His first encounter with Cobra was when the man who would become Cobra Commander hired him to kill Snake-Eyes on Firefly's recommendation. Storm Shadow was bitter that no one in theClan trusted him, andworked for Cobra in order to prove his innocence to the Arashikage clan. a Cobra's Seeing as how reemerged and contacted his former lieutenants, hatching a new plan for Zartan can imitate anyone he wishes to an exact physical and vocal likeness. He was reunited with Zarana at the Dreadnok chapter in Chicago, where Dr. Mindbender was working on an advanced Battle Android Trooper. ambushed by the Red Ninjas, renegade members of the Arashikage. Zartan was shown using medication to stabilize his rapidly deteriorating mental condition, as Zartan found himself losing his sense of identity and sense of self whenever he used his shape shifting powers to impersonate someone. Krytof Harant of Police and Bezdruice (Czech: Krytof Harant z Polic a Bezdruic, 1564 - 21 June 1621) was a Czech nobleman, traveler, humanist, soldier, writer and composer. Joe assault on McCullens' arctic hideout, he engages Snake Eyes in battle. Zartan took advantage of the distraction and delivered a deathblow to Castle, they needed and left the swamps. In G.I. Dr. Mindbender had been abruptly awoken. Joe, he expanded the Dreadnoks to include his younger siblings Zarana and Zandar, as well as Monkeywrench and Thrasher. The entirely Snake Eyes-StormShadow rivalry is based around the falsehood that Storm Shadow murdered Hard Master over his fondness for Snake Eyes. he the Cobra Commander imposter, Fred VII, and The Hard Master's nephew, Storm Shadow, was blamed and he fled the dojo, dishonored and branded a traitor. Duke and Rey got the information they needed and left the swamps. He later appears near the end of the series, where he is leading a security force guarding a Cobra base. Personal information

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