Run!!!!! He swore that one day, those who shunned him would kneel before him and beg for mercy, eventually! The novel the millionaire son-in-law sketches the life of the boy in the early chapters vividly. Its been almost a week, New chapters were displayed and then gone. And as for Dave not valuing his daughters feelings!? Pura paja . Simplemente asombrosa, he ledo muchas novelas, pero definitivamente es la mejor, estoy a la espera de que sigan publicando mas captulos. Them other tramps feels special and ai dont like it. Alguien sabe qu debo hacer para que me actualice? The Charismatic Charlie Wade A chinese Novel Original name: Amazing Son-in-law __by Lord Leaf Charlie Wade was the live-in son-in-law that everyone . The only open item is the Family of Margarette (An Family) which will be another thread, that will take i think about 200 pages/chapters. He swore that one . Buts its really frustrating to wait while nothing appears. I have really enjoyed this story the author has shown a great craftsmanship in steering the various numerous characters. Just letting you know the facts. La verdad es que es muy interesante y me encanta An que si pudiera subir mas capitulos seria estupendo.. Me ha encantado esta novela,he ledo har el captulo 2728, Deberan ser mas serios en la publicacin de los captulos, ya aburre quede por el capitulo 2726, y es bien aburrido. Just 2 at a time is killing me. Gotta learn to be patient to see how things will turn out. But can u pls upload 2153 now pls, Please publish the latest update, ive been killing my time reading this amazing son in law novel. Its 4 year already and we havent had s3x yet. Apology wise , Please dont get me wrong i am thankful for the story, its just the feeling of being irritated that you have to stop and waited hours to know what happened its really disappointing in loosing the continuity. Sera muy interesante que vaya aplastando a las familias en cuanto a negocios se trate. I do hope to find the chapters uploaded faster! I saw one r*[emailprotected] saying wife didnt love him for initial 2 years treated him as a slave and anyone can fall in love with a construction worker based on looks This guy helped almost all other ladies gave them those magical pills but not a single one to his wife. no se pueden dar el lujo de subir solo dos capitulos!!!! You must be relieved now that your doubts are cleared? Chapters are being posted regularly. Please load more chapters. How many chapters are in this book? To know more about it you have to read the novel. OK. Te estoy enviando un concorde a Venezuela, cargado de caras amarillas y de gente de Siria para buscarte . He swore that one day, those who shunned him would kneel before him and beg for mercy, eventually! Blaine are paying for this novel? Telling a story of Charlie Wade was the live-in son-in-law that everyone despised. Its boaring to wait. This is the most exhilarating part of the story! The Amazing Son In Law Novel - Lord Leaf - PDF Free Download - The The story is actually closer to the climax. We have to wait till morning for FOUR more!! This shit is getting repetitive and boring. Is the book still being written? Why there isnt any update since 8 August? Quede en el 2624, Esta muy buena la trama, solo me frustra un poco que suban pocos captulos cada da, me gustara que al menos subieran 10 por da. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo, por favor que debemos hacer para poder comprar el libro, pero completo no el de Amazon, gracias por el esfuerzo diario para publicar los captulos, Cuando suben el complemento por favor ya termin los captulos que tienen, Amigos por favor suban ms, la historia es muy interesante, dejan con la intriga, uno se pone triste con 2 cap al da , En donde le pongo la plata pa que suba la novela completa ?. Cmo es que la mam y el pap le van a decir que despus de casarse con el tipo no puede tener intimidad con l y ella orondita va a hacer caso? I think you guys need to understand that Ali is not the one that is writing the story, he is providing a FREE service of uploaded the updated chapters here. When did 3339 and afterward chapters gonna upload. You seem to forget Marven got his earth shattering skills only after 3 years of marriage not before. The replenishing chapters are inconsistent and not a 24hr time frame. OJO! Just the same I am still for Sara, If I love my husband, i would not let him sleep on the floor, if i love my husband not only would i be intimate, i would make sure that I give him healthy children. But every other girl except his wife like him because of he has helped them in desperate situations or because of his strength. As per the author even if there is divorce there will be reunion as well. Kindly help, Do you understand now? Qu pesar qu no est complet y se demoran en subir los captulos, ya voy en el 2616 y no se ven los otros como va el desarroll faltan muchos todava.. Yo lo tengo hasta el 4675 me falta capitulos, Amigo como lo conseguiste aera no podrias compartir conmigo ? Those of us blazing a path have reached ch 2160!!! I like Nanako for Marvens ideal wife. Youre too leaving me. Porque desde un principio el supo que no era el momento para darlo a conocer, debido a que la pondra en riesgo con sus enemigos an falta muchos los cuales si se dieran cuenta que ella es su esposa le podran hacer dao. Voy en el Capitulo 2.624, pero es duro esperar que publiquen 2 capitulos diarios y avanzar alguito. Please publish a book, or make a movie! Can someone tell me what happened in chapters 1921-1925? I give zero sh*ts to their lineage/social status. Las ramas de esta historia cada vez son ms, que el autor va a necesitar obras secundarias para poder terminar esta historiao tal vez no ha pensado terminarla y estamos condenados sus seguidores. Eagerly awaiting the next lot of updates. You will find the links to all the chapters right on this page. Just that the chapters are trickling in 2 to 4 per day. The world can be a cruel place to live in. despus de eso fue como ahora se entiende estos otros hilos que se fueron juntando. alguien sabe donde los pillo los dems o es de espera nomas. More than two today and 6hr earlier than yesterday !!!, Necesito el captulo 3399 donde puedo leerlo gracias. The Quin daughter in college He gave that song family girl a pill to use in case of any crisis but nothing to his own wife. The novel The Charismatic Charlie Wade is an Urban/Realistic novel. There is over a 1000 chapters on other sites but I prefer to use this one why aren't thir anymore uploaded after 750. Got more chapters again some short delivered 6hr faster than yesterday. It already surpassed In search of lost time in page number (In search of lost time only have 3,000 pages, 9,609,000 characters) we are now at 3280++ chapters/page i wonder how many characters (letters punctuations and spaces, except advertisement) Amazing Son in law have already. I just hope that you guys could upload the whole story so that we wont be needing to wait. Please update us on this. When you think about it, she loves him less than three of the other five women who are in love with him! creo que debera volver a leer el principio porque claramente avella solo respeta a cheyene, marven,etc no hubo amor, es solo respeto por el audaz de su abuelo y se volvi costumbre y si crees que un celibato de 3 aos durmiendo en el piso se llama matrimonio deberas plantearte todo nuevamente. I like his wife for him. leerlos a la maana antes de salir al trabajo una adiccion. They are empty :/, Where are the rest of the chaptersI'm finished all the chapters here, Im looking for chapters from 3773. @Craig b, Im completely with u, Im also curious as to where the story goes and Im open for some surprises. The only one who looked at him is his wife and youre saying shes not ideal for him Why is this not being updated? I had already finished reading The charismatic charlie wade chapter 2258 and it was so exciting and thrilling to read but unfortunately there are cliff hangers,so when it will be posted the next chapter? I hope that they keep going strong and keep spoonfeeding us. +3 more. Not even tolerate him. Muy acertado 60 captulos fue un martirio. Balky, in mainland China.. traditionally a woman keeps her name after marriage (the child normally takes the fathers name) thats why Avella hasnt taken his name. Charlie Wade Books - Goodreads What is he afraid of? Dnde las enamora? This The Amazing Son in Law Charlie Wade Novel PDF Free Download was either uploaded by our users @Live Pdf or it must be readily available on various places on public domains and in fair use format. If not, then you have lost a reader unfortunately, as it is taking too long to finish a story that should have ended by now with a proper conclusion. May I suggest you scroll through these bits so it doesnt affect your feelings?! She objected when accepting the Villa as well. In fact the last time he had any true contact with her was almost 200 chapters ago, if not longer. There were temptations of money and constant nagging of family but I still chose to stand by you. At least give me 2394 to 2420 at a time please. Where did you read his wife getting elated seeing these gifts After his death she still respected her grandfathers words and her marriage as well as husband so she refused to divorce him, I read already form 1 to 1670 hoping that the next chapter will publish soo, I have finish all this chapter 1 to 1600 and waiting again to publish the remaining chapters. What is disgusting is the way, Viola the Shrew set them (Dave & Meiqing) both up. He should marry all of the women involved in his life. Im addicted now. What will happen to his wife? There have been numerous suitors, but she has chosen Marven. Im trying to read as fast as you write, Im gaining (yeah sure) lol!!! Como se dice en Venezuela, mucha gente se comen la luz y terminan estrellndose solitas. Esto debido a todo lo que dijo en su comentario. I'm now in chapter 648 and stuckother sites have different names and make it difficult to read on and I really do prefer to continue with the same names as per what I am reading here. (Before you talk about why they still didnt have s3x Ill stress over the fact that its not always about s3x. Since Joseph is from the Front, will this fight also help Hamid or Hamid is diminished. Por otro lado, l sigue creciendo econmicamente y acumulando poderes, demostrndolo cada vez que tiene ocasin de una manera demasiado ejemplarizadora por no decir abusiva, condenando a dolorosas y humillantes y largas condenas a quienes tuvieron la desgracia de cruzarse en su camino. Te apoyo, que continue, pero si dos capitulos diarios es muy poco, mejor subieran 100 o 50 una vez por semana , asi lo leemos y esperamos la proxima. Ahora estn dispuestos a arriesgar una mala reputacin y vergenza solo por estar con l. 4. But her granddaughter, Claire Wilson, stood with her husband and beg her grandma for forgiveness. Or master marven doesnt have money to support his child only after marrying a rich wife can her family afford the child ? I am for his wife and will be disappointed if he physically cheats because I already feel like he is emotionally cheating. Es verdad, debe quedarse con su mujer que es quien lo defendi siempre cuando era pobre. Lo que se logra con esta dinmica actual es que poco a poco se pierda el inters en la historia. Why is there only an update of a handful of chapters the last couple updates. Still a cliff hanger though. YA TERMINE EL ULTIMO 2835.. Pero si va por el 3388, en otra pagina va en 3389, Me gusta mucho la novela pero el problema es que muy pocos captulos suben por das seria bueno , que subieran por lo menos 15 captulos por da eso sera fantstico, I have 2 days without a new chapter what happen, Quiero saber la siguiente parte al menos o proporcionar el enlace como dijiste, Buenas tardes me puedes mandar los siguientes captulos por favor del asombroso yerno millonario captulos siguientes 2832 en adelante gracias, Captulos cortos que horror, ya no hay mas imaginacin, Se terminaron los captulos pero Charley o Marven como se llame nunca decide con quien quedarse tiene muchas mujeres pero ni siquiera con la misma emocin se atreve a hacer nada ni con su ficticia esposa y veo que en este libro morir siendo virgen y arrogante, ser una persona rencorosa, aparte es un hombre se se cri con Gelotofobia que es lo mismo que el miedo patolgico a que se burlen de ti, entonces de ah es donde viene el drama y nunca estar con nadie para que no se burlen de l aunque se diga que es un machista resentido con tendencia psicolgica de ser gay, aparte es alguien con pensamiento dicotmico ests conmigo o ests contra m, las cosas o son blancas o son negras, o me ayudas o me traicionas, este tipo de enfoque conforma una clara distorsin cognitiva, es un esquema muy rgido de pensamiento del cual, las personas rencorosas ni tan siquiera son conscientes porque estn habituadas a bordear siempre los extremos, a situarse en posiciones muy polarizadas donde lo nico que consiguen es establecer enormes y amargas distancias con quienes les como su orgullo pisoteado por mucho tiempo pero este orgullo de ese caballo aparentemente es de batalla, que todo lo invade, lo arrasa y lo transforma, esta caractersticas hace que este tipo de personas estn siempre a la defensiva, y que a la mnima se sientan heridos y altamente dolidos, no es fcil hacer vida, dialogar o llegar a acuerdos con quien se deja llevar siempre por el orgullo, por esa actitud que todo lo toma de forma personal, por lo que es evidente a realizar este proyecto no dejarlo a media y de volverse montono, surgieron que sigan con los captulos as de no ofender a los miles de lectores que a su medida son tiempo dedicados por su publicacin y el tiempo se respeta y es muy valioso, porque si tenan planificado hacer ste libro ya debera haber actualizado mas captulos con previa anticipacin. i dont know why i still reading this novel but i just hope that the writer will not be like other writers that once the novel is no longer making enough money they just make an stupid ending with too much loopholes and too many question left but worst is that the writer just drop the novel with no ending and start new one and use new screen name, and i just dont understand why the writer is trying so hard to portray the chinese is good and the west is bad, fvck the west and chinese government and other governments is the same they are fvck up we all know that most citizen is good but the government is fvck, btw did the husband and wife did the thing that a husband and wife would do s3x when they go to america? 4 years of marriage and no s3x? Will this be completed soon? Lori because her matured temperament and obviously she helped Marven a lot growing his business. He has patience to wait for her. Search for the title of the book. Or You can press CTRL+F5 if you are on PC browser. You are killing me! No girl wouldve looked at him if he was still that low class person. " Claire, look at the piece of trash you're married to! POR FAVOR TERMINEN LA NOVELA O AGRADECERA SI ALGUIN ME PODRIA DECIR DONDE PUEDO COMPRAR EL LIBRO TRADUCIDO AL ESPAOL. Lady Wilson didnt listen to Claire and even commanded her with divorce immediately instead. I agree with you,i need to see marvens marriage improving and how the xiao family will react upon knowing his a rich inlaw not his mean and violent righteous nature. Is the book "The Amazing Son-in-law Charlie Wade" still going - Reddit Por das, semana o mes?? With suffering comes the growth of human tranquility and forbearance. When a new chapter is published and you cant see it, google will usually index it if your device wont let you see it. Im really impressed, how you all made your opinions, in my own opinion, who ever the writer he decides to pair with Marvin between Sara and avella is fine, provided the losing end is properly compensated because both of them really made huge sacrifices. Pero ahora desde el captulo 2595 en que se presenta al Sr Watts, hasta ahora (2676) todo gira en torno a l, su hija y el rescate, y esto aparentemente en un lapso de 3 o 4 das Ya van 82 capitulos muy cortos rondando este punto y an no se define. Im stuck in a hospital room (sorry no spoilers ). Hello, can you please tell Lord Leaf that he has lost a reader. And here thats not wifes tolerance that is respect towards the marriage and husband. This story is on going with no end in site! What are you talking about. Please upload the complete novel. Kindly pls check the chapters and upload the proper chps. Made it to chapter 300 but the site wont load any more chapters. Im kind of torn between Sara and Avella. Pero Sara siempre lo ha amado incondicionalmente, de hecho ya estoy harto de Avella y de su familia, en especial de la mama Viola. Hasta qu al fn leo una crtica coherente, el tipo es un matn megalomano, racista hasta la mdula y altamente clasista y si es gay. Although the mother just loves money she also cares about her daughter and has changed significantly and now puts the daughters happiness above money. WILL SHE STAND BY THAT UNKNOWN CONSTRUCTION WORKER DESPITE RECEIVING HUMILIATIONS FROM FRIENDS AND FAMILY? Her grandfather set up this marriage but she is totally ignorant about his identity. Hi Admin. Look how quick her mom took his black card and because he was married to her daughter claimed all his money. Keep up the good work. (Angrily) how dare you question my. Who knows maybe the author will develop her character like a money hungry and evil woman and so the MC abandons her and creates a harem constituting rest of the girls. And here its even more ugly with plot leading to abandonment of wife.
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