When my busy schedule and over active brain get the best of me, and I find myself feeling overwhelmed these are the things I do most often to get organized. #1 alone keeps me sane on a daily basis. Most of these only take a few minutes.
- Make a list -I am the queen of list making. I mean really, lists are my safey safe, if I am stressing about anything I will make a list. It helps to make a task more tangible and manageable. Ok so real life example, I am stressing about packing for our trip to Philadelphia in a few days. I currently have 2 lists going. Packing, what do I need to pack for myself and my little. Before we go – what are the things that need to happen before we leave, I usually write them according to when they need to be accomplished. Lists are an awesome tool to help you get organized.
- Accomplish at least one task on your list – Alright so we made a list, sometimes it can feel overwhelming to look at a long list of things that need to be done. When I see a long list and don’t know where to start I end up procrastinating (so silly, I do this every time knowing it will cause me more stress). So pick at least one thing from that list and DO IT! Nine times out of ten I accomplish that first task and then I have the momentum to finish more! The hardest part is starting.
- Write a schedule – When my list is super long I feel like there are more things to get done then there are hours in the day. Writing out a schedule can help see what realistically can be accomplished in whatever time frame you have. It’s a great organizational tool that helps with efficiency.
- Clean out your purse – This feels SO GOOD! My purse is a crazy bottomless pit of receipts, food wrappers, kleenex, and loose change. Cleaning out my purse is something you can do in a very short amount of time and the feeling of satisfaction you get from a clean purse is amazing. Seriously this does not just apply to purses, clean out something you use everyday that you just deal with because you have to. An email inbox perhaps or a backpack or your car. Pick something that will take not more than about 5-10 minutes to accomplish. An organized and clutter free space, especially something you use all the time, can really help boost your mood.
- Brain dump – Thats right brain dump, basically a more in depth version of making a list. If your interested in learning more about brain dumping check out my post …

- Minimize one thing – That to do list looking overwhelming? Are you staring at a room full of junk and don’t know where to start to get it organized? Find something that does not have to happen today and scratch it off!! This will help you to organize your thoughts and prioritize what needs to be done. The process of scratching off a task helps alleviate some of those overwhelming feelings.
- Make tomorrow easier – This one right here!!!! There is nothing I hate more then running around like a crazy person in the morning trying to get everything organized and making sure to not forget anything. When I don’t prep the night before I wake up in a panic and it sets a really crappy tone for the rest of my day. So what can you do today that will make your life easier tomorrow? For me it’s packing my daughters lunch and checking all of her papers are signed, the backpack is by the front door, and her shoes are ready. Need more incentive – now you can hit that snooze button one more time!!! (Anyone else do this? I set three alarms so when I turn one off I think YES I have another 15 minutes to sleep) — Super random sorry. You rock, you made it all the way to the end of the list!!!!!!!!!! Leave a comment and let me know what you think!
Ok, I am off to make some more lists about this trip!!
Did you find any of these tips helpful? What do you do to get organized? Let me know in the comments below.
XOXO, Heather