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What are the enemy's likely counterattack routes? They must determine how the terrain and weather will affect the enemy and their units. He also determines the sustainment aspects of the COA. This then would restrict the unit's ability to mass the effects of combat power. Identify friendly strengths to exploit the enemy weakness. Friendly forces information requirements include information leaders need to know about their units or about adjacent units to make critical decisions. ", A-33. When analyzing terrain, leaders consider manmade features and effects on natural terrain features and climate. Selecting of movement techniques and formations, to include when to transition to tactical maneuver. The leader must avoid unnecessary complicated mission command structures and maintain unit integrity where feasible. Conclusions include at least the following : Obstacles Leaders study their task organization to determine the number, type, capabilities, and condition of available friendly troops and other support. Prepare COA statement and sketch Avenue of approach Key terrain COA Analysis (war game) Observation/fields *Action - Reaction - Counteraction* of fire Methods Cover and concealment Box. Where will the enemy establish firing lines or support by fire positions? This can require reduced aircraft payloads. A-60. In analyzing the enemy, the leader must understand the The reason the staff used the selected control measures. Leaders who analyze the ethnic dynamics of their area of operation can best apply combat power, shape maneuver with information related capabilities, and ultimately find the common denominator all ethnic varieties have in common and focus unit efforts at it. CCIRs also helps focus the efforts of subordinates and aids in the allocation of resources. A-88. Leaders analysis must determine the types of vehicles, Soldiers, and equipment the enemy could use against his unit. Factors to consider include political boundaries, locations of government centers, by-type enclaves, special regions such as mining or agricultural, trade routes, and possible settlement sites. The unit has the technical and tactical skills and resources to accomplish the COA, with available time, space, and resources. Our aircrews carefully synchronized our return flight using proven aircrew coordination skills. Complete. 3. What locations afford cover and concealment as well as good observation and fields of fire? How will temperature and humidity affect the unit's rate of march? Table A-1 shows recommended situation template items. How will cloud cover affect unit operations at night? A sketch typically includes symbols of friendly and enemy units, assembly. Notes COA statement must clearly portray how the unit When possible, the observer conducts a ground reconnaissance from both enemy and friendly perspectives. They must go beyond merely passing along the MCOO to their subordinate leaders and making general observations of the terrain such as "This is high ground," or "This is a stream." Some missions require a second briefing or the completion of another risk assessment. Some precipitation questions to answer include . This characteristic addresses terrain analysis from a civilian perspective. COA analysis allows the leader to synchronize his assets, identify potential hazards, and develop a better understanding of the upcoming operation. How can the enemy use each avenue of approach? This aspect of civil considerations reinforces the security of the community against poverty and other enablers to instability. Examples of critical events that can be identified in advance for a defensive operation are reward passage of counter reconnaissance forces, commitment of the reserve, displacement of forces,. Next, the leader analyzes relative combat power, generates options, arrays his forces, develops a CONOP, assigns responsibility, and prepares a COA statement and sketch. Civil considerations of the environment can either help or hinder friendly or enemy forces; the difference lies in which leader has taken time to learn the situation and its possible effects on the operation. A-42. Analyzing the enemy answers the question, "What is the enemy doing and why?" Using the product from generating options, the leader then determines what combinations of Soldiers, weapons, and other systems are needed to accomplish each task. Higher headquarters (two levels up) mission, intent, and concept. The analysis is a comparison of how a structures location, functions, and capabilities as compared to costs and consequences of such use. When fully boarded, we took off and headed to the first stop. The population within a prescribed area of operation comprises several different groups, both ethnically and politically. Will wind speed and direction favor enemy use of obscurants? Once identified, risk must be reduced through controls. He then develops the maneuver control measures necessary to convey his intent, enhance the understanding of the schemes of maneuver, prevent fratricide, and clarify the tasks and purposes of the decisive shaping, and sustaining operations. The platoon leader begins mission analysis when receiving the mission. Likewise, he must understand enemy doctrinal objectives. Just because the report you receive says you have legal weather, don't always assume it is accurate. This tentative decisive point forms the basis of his planning and COA development; it also forms the basis of communicating the COA to his subordinates. How and when they do so depends on when they receive information as well as on their experience and preferences. At the lower levels, leaders conduct their mission analyses by evaluating METT-TC. This preview shows page 13 - 24 out of 34 pages. In common usage, especially when applied to lower military units, a mission is a duty or task assigned to an individual or unit. Analyze Relative Combat Power Is this terrain also important to the enemy? Implied tasks derive from a detailed analysis of higher up orders, from the enemy situation and COA, from the terrain, and from knowledge of doctrine and history. Structures The concept of the operation describes the relationships between activities, events, and tasks, and explains how the tasks will lead to accomplishing the mission. Defensive considerations when analyzing obstacles and restricted terrain: Where does the enemy want to go? Beginning with the decisive point identified during mission analysis, the leader identifies the decisive operation's purpose and purposes of his shaping and sustaining operations. He must be able to see his own tasks and enemy actions in relation to time. Understanding these patterns helps leaders plan and execute information collection, combat operations, and logistical resupply. During all phases, leaders consider critical times, unusable time, the time it takes to accomplish activities, the time it takes to move, priorities of work, and tempo of operations. What lateral routes could the enemy use to threaten our flanks? Reinforcing obstacles, tacticaltactical (reinforcing) obstacles inhibit the ability of the opposing force to move, mass, and reinforce. If the information is available, he determines the echelon force where the enemy originated. They influence and interact with the populace, force, and each other. They need not analyze METT-TC in a particular order. (Refer to Cover and concealment can be either part of the environment or something brought in by the unit to create the desired effect : A-57. It allows the platoon and squads to move with little hindrance. War gaming is the process of determining "what if?" Sometime before sunset, I headed out to preflight the aircraft. Avenues of approach are classified the same as mobility corridors. A COA describes how the unit might generate the effects of overwhelming combat power against the enemy at the decisive point with the least friendly casualties. He must not take these as facts. A prominent hilltop overlooking an avenue of approach might or might not be key terrain. The COA statement details how the unit's operation supports the next higher leader's operation, the decisive point and why it is decisive, the form of maneuver or type of defensive mission, and operational framework. A-31. Where am I vulnerable? to convey the operation in a doctrinal context. In doctrinal terms, he asksIs the enemy oriented on the terrain, example, a reconnaissance force, his own force (assault force, terrorists, or insurgent forces), civilian forces or critical infrastructure (terrorist or insurgent forces, sabotage), or other supporting or adjacent friendly forces (as in a disruption zone)? I expressed my concern and some uneasiness about the situation because our crews had been caught in dust before and knew the consequences. The initial commander's intent describes the purpose of the operation, initial key tasks, and the desired end state. Enemy Situation Template Leaders must understand how their units' purposes relate to higher. A-95. The five military aspects of weather are visibility; winds; precipitation; cloud cover; and temperature and humidity. Most missions and tasks can be accomplished in more than one way. How will existing obstacles and restricted terrain affect the enemy? Using the results of all previous analyses done during mission analysis, the leader compares his unit's combat power strengths and weaknesses with those of the enemy. One technique is to parallel the TLP based on the products received from higher. Search and attack operations are conducted by smaller, light maneuver units and air cavalry or air assault units in large areas. COA Sketch and Narrative A graphic and text description of the COA Should include: Scheme of Maneuver in chronological order A Main Effort action with task and purpose Supporting Effort actions with task and purpose Can use Close, Deep and Rear operations Phasing/ staging/ timing Developing a synchronization matrix here for each COA will be helpful during wargaming Template of enemy forces and essential weapon systems. Decisive terrain. He also may make sound assumptions about the enemy, human nature, and local culture. These significant deductions drive the planning process and execution of operations. In addition, consider how historical, cultural, and social factors shape public perceptions beliefs, goals, and expectations. They try to keep their span of control between two to five subordinate elements. For example, if a battalion situation template identifies a platoon-size enemy element on the company's objective and squad-size enemy elements on the platoons objective, the leader, using his knowledge of both the enemy's doctrine and terrain, develops a situation template positioning squad-size battle positions, crew-served weapons positions, or defensive trenches.

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