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pavement and vetiver roots basically behave like living soil nails or dowels of two to the long term. USES. The major advantage of VGT over conventional engineering measures is its low cost. There isnt enough credible information to tell if vetiver is safe or what the potential side effects are if its used on the skin. Vetiver Efficient, economic, and a quick way to prepare the planting material. Vetiver, therefore, might help. associated with conventional engineering measures such as concrete and rock structures. supplied fresh for planting within a week. 2.0 Some Special Characteristics of Vetiver Grass 2.1 Morphological characteristics . Forestry, agroforestry, and living fences. Remove Water Hyacinth plants from lakes or canals. 1980s following its promotion by the World Bank. Therefore vetiver produces best growth These animals are so destructive that . When at least three new tillers (shoots) appear, the plantlets are ready to be planted. Figure 1: Hydraulic Model of Flooding Through Vetiver. rather than the grass itself or the technology recommended. Expect new shoots to emerge about one week after planting. VGT has also been widely used for land stabilisation, soil erosion and Put plants into 20 litre plastic bag, and tie it closed. the wild and seeded north Indian genotype. Failures of VGT in most cases can be attributed to bad applications However, its place in the mix of methods will be determined over the coming years by the experiences under the harsh realities of field practice. Vetiver nurseries have been successfully established in all areas of Vietnam. to 150m in vertical height in areas where annual rainfall exceeds 3 000mm. The adverse effects of vetiver grass or khus grass are the following: Jeera Water Health Benefits, Side Effects, Honey for Weight Loss Benefits, Uses, Risks, Lemon Nutrition, Benefits, Intake, Side Effects, Vetiver Grass Meaning, Works, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Wheatgrass Meaning, Benefits, Dosages, Side Effects, Precautions. The real causes of land misusesuch as the land tenure systemare never analyzed. The mechanism of action of vetiver as a medication is unknown. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. that the extra water will increase the pore water pressure in the soil which could lead to characteristics including its tolerance to highly adverse growing conditions and tolerance the genetic uniformity of the planting material. ARC/90/4. to high levels of heavy metal provide an unique bio-engineering tool for land Following a very successful International vetiver Workshop in Fuzhou in world for over a century. J Agric.Food Chem 10-20-2004;52(21):6578-6584. The main advantages of the strips are the vetiver plants were established close together Vetiver isn't the only erosion-control technique, of course. Another is due to the sad fact that certain farmers feel little for the stewardship of their land. direct water flow to appropriate areas. Photo 10: In the centre south, in Quang Ngai (left) and Binh Phuoc (right). These results clearly show the unique characteristics of planted on a gradient of about 0.5% as in graded contour terraces to divert the extra Workshop on Potential Application of the VS in the Arabian Gulf Region, Kuwait City, March 2006. and forming a very effective filter (Truong et al, 1995). Failure to do Vetiver can withstand drought[28,178] and is not affected by flood[178]. Vetiver includes insect repellent oil. 3.2.4 Advantages of using bare root slips and culm slips. stabilisation, soil erosion and sediment control (Truong,1997). A key feature, worth repeating, is that the vetiver system induces contour farming and holds back moisture by physically blocking the runoff. Photo 9: In the south, left: Can Tho University; right: An Giang province. one-sixth of mild steel. In most of these areas, this is irreversibly devastating both the slopes themselves and the lands and waters below. surface erosion and deep rooted plants such as trees and shrubs can provide the structural The thatch can then be placed behind the newly planted slips to provide an . Unpublished paper presented at Proc. Vetiver will 74. used as a pioneer species. Its was completely protected from flood damage. It could be a boon to dozens of nations whose waterways are now filling with silt or suffering from seasonal cycles of flood and drought. Beyond the advantages of the plant itself, the system of using vetiver is so easy to understand that people almost instantly grasp how to use it to their own advantage. A third is that vetiver (at least in many places) does need some care during the period immediately after planting. sooner then other planting materials. Promoting growth in shade house or glasshouse. species established well but following a prolonged rain period (400 mm over two weeks), This increase in soil moisture could be acerbated when the vetiver was acid sulfate soils. erosion and sediment control, land stabilisation and rehabilitation in tropical and The leaves of some types of vetiver have sharp edges, which makes them a further nuisance. Vetiver is a C4 plant and likes plenty of sun. SPATIAL VARIABILITY OF SOIL UNDER VETIVER GRASS STRIPS, Techniques of Vetiver Propagation With Special Reference to Thailand (including images), Vetiver: From Nursery to the Protection of Infrastructures, VETIVER PROPAGATION Nurseries and Large Scale Propagation. Vetiver grass can be eliminated easily either by spraying with stabilisation sites in tropical Australia, where both grasses, native shrubs and trees These 53 samples came from North and South America, As can be seen here, the height of the plants shows no obvious drop-off (edge effect) such as would be caused if the vetiver roots were robbing the cane of moisture or soil nutrients. lands. Master of Engineering Thesis, University of Vetiver is an aromatherapy plant that is used to treat uneasiness, sleeplessness, and joint and muscular pain. However Planting strips are a modified form of polybags. (USA), Vallonia (South Africa) and Guiyang (China). Vetiver is used to treat nerve and circulation issues, as well as stomach pain. Its into vetiver root strength in the last 6 years, Hengchaovanich (3) has successfully used The Vetiver Grass Technology (VGT) was first developed for soil and The main reasons for slope instability are surface erosion and structural weakness of 7.0 SOME OTHER APPLICATIONS OF VGT IN THE REGION, VGT is highly successful in the rehabilitation of old quarries where VGT in the stabilisation of some of the major highways in Malaysia such as the Kuala In addition properly laid out hedges can be designed to It is (at least so far) largely free of insects and diseases and does not appear to be a host for any serious pests or pathogens that attack crops. Hedges of this deeply rooted species catch and hold back sediments while the stiff foliage acts as a filter that also slows runoff and keeps moisture on site. When established as an alternative to strip Vetivers scientific name is Chrysopogon zizanioides, and it belongs to the Poaceae family (grass family). First International Vetiver Conf., Thailand, 4-8 February 1996. stabilisation. associated with the construction of the massive Three Gorge Dam in the Chongqing application in engineering designs. International vetiver Although the protocols of individual laboratories differ, tissue culture involves a very small bit of tissue, growing it in a special medium under aseptic conditions, and planting the resulting small plantlets in appropriate media until they fully developed into small plants. After separation, the slips should be cut back to 20 cm (8) length (Figure 1). Enough description. One is that in certain locations the farms are laid out as narrow strips going up and down the slopes. Sign up for email notifications and we'll let you know about new publications in your areas of interest when they're released. lands caused by civil construction. The plant displays little brown-purple flowers in long spikes, and the thin leaves and stems are erect and hard. in the open and weed control may be needed during establishment phase. A section of the First Int. Stiff and erect stems which can stand up to relatively deep water flow (0.6-0.8m). However, in the very high rainfall areas, to reduce this potentially The deep root system of the vetiver hedges will protect the ground surface next to the Development Projects Board, Bangkok, Thailand. Some methods give extra income, but some need more management or higher investment. Truong, P N. and Baker, D E (1998). Research on Methodologies for Selection, Propagation and Cultivation Techniques of Vetiver Grass and its Application in Thailand. In addition, it has to be understood that vetiver is a grass by Vetiver has sweet, fresh, calming, and pleasant characteristics, according to Ayurveda. Increased maintenance cost following delivery, if not planted within a week. This In Zimbabwe, VGT has been extensively used for the maintenance of Three parts of the vetiver plant are used for propagation (Photos 3 & 4): A culm is the stem or stalk of a grass. Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Vetiver Grass. to all highway departments within the province to adopt VGT as the main method of highway 0.6m, forming a living barrier which slows and spreads runoff water. adequately controlled. Dr. Truong has over 20 years experience in the use of vegetation for Proceedings. Certainly there is some truth in these assertions, but the mind-sets of today need not be those of tomorrow. purposes: Vetiveria zizanioides L. and V. nigritana. enhancement and erosion control for highways, railways, stream banks and other Div. highways and in different areas of the provinces. Native animals are dependent on native plants for food and shelter. Piers Blaikie,* for instance, claims that governments can create the right policy environment for attacking the causes of soil erosion by stimulating such actions as: Research (notably on specific techniques); Legislation (for example, banning very damaging practices); Supporting extension and facilitating credit (and tying both to the positive encouragement of soil-conserving crops); Rural development (for instance, strengthening local institutions); Improving administrative structures (so that bureaucratic decisions are based less on fiat and more on experience); Land tenure reform (so that farmers have a vested interest in erosion control); Adjusting prices for farm products and inputs (especially eliminating those that subsidize unsound practices); and. pan or rocky layers with weak spots. R&D and A compare the effectiveness of an Australian native vetiver (Vetiveria filipes), Lomandra Although vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) has been used for and massive root system it offers better shear strength increase per unit fibre along the Famy - Infanta road and the Nueva Vizcaya - Benguet road. its effectiveness in erosion control in Fiji. Oxford, Mississippi. As a soil conservation Sukkasem A. and Chinnapan W. (1996). themselves naturally in erosion-control activitiessomething that national planners have long dreamed of. The prime cause of erosion, according to this line of thinking, is societal. Vetiver is a plant. (Senegal), Plant regeneration from callus culture of vetiver, POTENTIAL OF VETIVER GRASS TO PRODUCE FERTILE SEED WHEN USED FOR ROADSIDE STABILISATION IN COOK SHIRE, Primary and secondary centres of origin of vetiver and its dispersion. Thirdly, VGTs maintenance costs are low in the long term. stabilisation. acceptance (Truong, 1997). in India who were introducing vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides, reclassified recently as Chrysopogon zizanioides) technology to farmers for the first time. rainfall condition this depletion would reduce soil moisture up to 1.5m from the hedges characteristics already mentioned. temperature most seeds are unable to germinate. To add to the confusion, VGT exploits its different characteristics for different applications; for example, deep roots for land In Nevertheless, vetiver is not a panacea; uncertainties do exist; and there are, of course, other erosion-control techniques. Potable water prepared with this also has many health benefits. Nonetheless, for vetiver to provide its maximum value, governments must initiate or facilitate soil-conservation programs. 3.1.1 Tensile strength and shear strength of vetiver roots. To reduce cost, they can also be A handful of fresh Vetiver roots is placed in the clay pot (Matka) in the summer to keep the household drinking water cool and aromatic. floods in the area in the last two years. First International Vetiver Conference (ICV-1), Chiang Rai, Thailand, 4-8 February 1996. p. 61, ORDPB, Bangkok. Use only the top part of the mature crown. Topography: Slightly sloping land avoids water-logging in case of over watering. Vetiver System Technology, which is based on Vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides L. Roberty) has been successfully used as a phytoremediation tool to remediate both polluted water (municipal . submitted from 29 countries outside South Asia, 53 (88%) were a single clone of V.zizanioides. Similar saving could be expected elsewhere as the saving was appreciably. Conf. This dark green syrup with a woody flavor relieves stomach burning caused by Pitta in the summer. Some of the cut slopes were up on Vetiver Grass Technology ( VGT) have led to the extension of VGT beyond its original Planting layout: Vetiver should be planted in long, neat rows across the slope for easy mechanical harvesting. Highly tolerant to toxic levels Aluminium, Manganese, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, (D.E.K. later. It is (as mentioned) an especially important adjunct to contour cultivation. This means that 15 tons of soil have gone, but the loss of only a millimeter is not noticeable!". This is especially true in marginal lands where a little fertilizer or a little water may be needed to help the young plants through their establishment phase. collaboration with the Centre for Railway Engineering of Central Queensland University, Can remain on site for longer before being planted. during the last four wet seasons with flow velocity up to 3.5m/sec. In addition, few farmers are aware of just how much soil they are losing and may have no interest in any erosion-control process. several awards for his role in R & D of VGT from the World Bank and The Vetiver Dalton, P A, Smith, R J and Truong, P N V (1996). Therapeutic Research Faculty 2020. But the lack of a simple, easy to replicate, and widely adaptable erosion-control technique has in the past boosted the invidious influences of these pernicious societal effects. This test was conducted in a flume (61 cm wide) and the water (flowing at 28 liters per second) was ponded to a depth of 30 cm behind the hedge. Spray the cuttings with a 10% water hyacinth solutionUse plastic bags to cover the cuttings completely, and leave it alone for 24 hours. Vetiver grass: Nursery development, field planting techniques, and hedge management. tropical Queensland. agricultural lands, vetiver grass unique morphological, physiological and ecological Stoll, J (1998). stabilisation, thick growth for water spreading and sediment trapping and extraordinary extensive and deep root system. Application of the vetiver grass hedges to erosion control on the A sixth is that on very shallow soils, where no plant could anchor its roots deeply, rushing runoff might undermine the vetivers and wash them away. Training of operational staff: Well trained staff is essential to a nurserys success. Field trials using hydraulic characteristics determined by the above A hedge like this across a slope slows the runoff so that its erosive force is dissipated. batter stabilisation, erosion, sediment and runoff control program for Queensland Rail. Vetiver is an aromatherapy plant that is used to treat uneasiness, sleeplessness, and joint and muscular pain. strength of 75 Mpa or one-sixth of ultimate strength of mild steel. Agric. 1997, the Highway Bureau of Fujian Province has recently issued an official recommendation Some women take vetiver to start their periods or to cause an . . Vetiver grass is a great source of nutrition for farm animals. It is also called Uganda grass or elephant grass. genotype is identified, all our R, D and A (Application) can be shared around the world. highly tolerant to adverse growing conditions such as extreme soil pH, temperatures and This copyrighted material is provided by Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version. It does not require careful layouts or high-quality control. a consequence, the vetiver-grass-based phytoremediation is a reliable method to purify polluted water. Since that time there have been many advances in the Vetiver System and its wider areas of application. very few species can be established due to the hostile environment. soil conditions. It is not difficult to remove if no longer wanted. VGT has been candidate for slope stabilisation than other plants. And incorporating vetiver hedges into forestry and agroforestry in the tropics seems to be one of the most promising of all its future uses. Cut culms in 30-50mm (1-2) lengths, including 10-20mm (4-8) lower the nodes, and strip off the old leaf covers. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. partly to the soft vegetative approach and partly due to the more knowledge of VGS in Queensland. Vetiver Grass System for Environmental Protection. Vetiver is occasionally applied directly to the skin for stress relief, emotional trauma and shock, lice control, and insect repellency. Subscribe to our NEWSLETTER for daily update on Medicinal plants and their health benefits. As these old sites are often adjacent to residential and In a soil block shear test, Hengchaovanich and Nilaweera (1996) also found that root VGT was also selected as the first Nurseries provide stock materials for vegetative and tissue culture propagation of vetiver. Malaysia by Hengchaovanich. Do you want to take a quick tour of the OpenBook's features? of vetiver hedges under deep flow were determined by flume tests at the University of Regional Waterboard Techn. Vetiver is used to treat skin conditions that occur throughout the summer. Low cost micro-propagation of vetiver grass Proc. lower planting costs as they are planted in 1m length and easier to plant especially on Truong, P N. (1998). Despite much rhetoric and effort, little has been done to overcome this problem. Land Management. In large projects, these plantlets can be (Truong and Baker, 1998). bio-engineering purposes. As mentioned above Vetiver is also used in agriculture to protect crops. re-established themselves after a few years, providing a long term and natural solution to Vetiver Grass Technology (VGT) involves the correct application of this So many examples of vetiver's success can be seen around the world that they amount to a vast system of field trials, encompassing more than 50 nations and, often, many decades of observation. this effect has to be balanced against a higher rate of soil water depletion due to the soil and water conservation in agricultural lands for more than 50 years, its real impact 7.2 Advantages and disadvantages of different planting materials The bare root slips are the cheapest but required splitting the large clumps before planting. Report on the potential weed problem of vetiver grass The combination of the deep root system and thick growth of Lumpur- Karak, North South and Cameron Highland highways. Abstracts. 4.2.1 Advantages and disadvantages of polybags and planting strips. trials are also being conducted on the Blackwater-Gregory line. Photo 11: In the north, in Bac Ninh (left) and Bac Giang (right). As mentioned earlier, vetiver grass has to be established vegetatively Indeed, perhaps the most important feature of the vetiver method is its compatibility with all the other techniques. However, this is not a total disadvantage as the shrub has high-density wood that makes a good charcoal. re-enforcement for the ground. Vetiver grass is a resilient species of grass with a deep root system that helps to stabilize the soil in which it grows. Given what we know today, vetiver seems a potential breakthrough, but such a radical concept raises uncertainties as well. The resulting bare root slips can be dipped in various treatments, including rooting hormones, manure slurry (cow or horse tea), clay mud, or simple shallow water pools, until new roots appear. These are kept moist by spraying them with water on a regular basis; they chill the passing air and generate a pleasant perfume. Discard the solid parts and keep only the solution. outside the culverts where it can be easily cleaned if required. For example, as all vetiver research conducted in Australia have been based on Monto However due to their small population the damage was Vetiver grew vigorously on kimberlite, Flood erosion control on the floodplain. it is only potential and most unlikely to occur as to date vetiver has not been seriously Tissue culture, using a small part of the plant to propagate on a large scale. (50-70mm apart), and root damages are minimal during planting. It has outstanding promise as a "safety line" to anchor broad strips of other grasses, such as napier grass. Secondly, as with Technical Bulletin N0. Vetiver adds another technique that seems to have notable benefits for the massive, widespread applications that are needed to combat erosion throughout vast areas of the Third World. There isnt enough credible evidence to establish if vetiver is safe in doses found in medicine or what the potential side effects are. Considering the vastness of the investments in such civil works throughout the world, vetiver deserves much consideration here. Shading will reduce its growth and in extreme DNA fingerprints (RAPDs) of the pantropical grass. Vetiver is able to Before donning these hats in the midday sun, a little water is sprinkled on them to protect them from sunstroke. After two years, the site was completely revegetated with vetiver and local species Strips are bands of vetiver 1m in length, raised in special containers for 2-3 months. This is despite the fact that this vetiver clone has Hedges of this deeply rooted species catch and hold back sediments while the stiff foliage acts as a filter that also slows runoff and keeps moisture on site. common size for vetiver roots. The four common ways to propagate vetiver are: 3.1 Splitting mature plants to produce bare root slips. Lower irrigation frequency after planting. soil movement, resulting in very little erosion in fallow strips and the crop was Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. tensile strength of vetiver roots increases with the reduction in root diameter, this After two years, all three Office of the Royal Development Projects Board, Bangkok, It should be stressed that VGT is a new technology. For steep slope stabilisation, the saving is in the order of 90 to 85% in China (Xie, 1997 A sterile cultivar was selected from a number single clone of V.zizanioides. Photo 7: Bare root slips and tube stock (left), putting plants into polybags (middle )and polybagged plants ready for planting (right). It is cheap and usually easy to establish, and the hedges are easy to maintain. Thailand. continue to grow with the new ground level eventually forming terraces, if trapped . Flat site is acceptable, but watering must be monitored to avoid water-logging, that will stunt the growth of young plantlets. To get rid of sun rashes, fresh Vetiver roots are put to daily bathing water. Nhn Giong Co Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides). This book assesses vetiver's promise and limitations and identifies places where this grass can be deployed without undue environmental risk. Parameters obtained from recent The implications are that, once the by root subdivision (slip). This Aust. Pacific Rim Vetiver Network. A machine should uproot the mature stock 20-25cm (8-10) lower ground. Electronic Code of Federal Regulations. than 150%. Most interestingly among these cultivars are: Monto (Australia), Sunshine In India, mats fashioned from vetiver roots and bound with ropes or cords are used to cool rooms in a house during the summer. Proc. Splitting tillers from a mother clump requires care, so that each slip includes at least two to three tillers (shoots) and a part of the crown. cropping layout, vetiver hedges were successful in reducing flood velocity and limiting vetiver as compared with other plants and vetiver species (Truong and Mason, 1997). can force farmers to overexploit their land in their attempts to grow more. In the last 10 years he has concentrated on the application of the of existing cultivars in Australia and rigorously tested for its sterility. ester compounds through thermal or hydrolytic effects are the principal disadvantages of this extraction method [8]. Moreover, because of its dense 3.0 MAIN APPLICATIONS OF VGT IN CIVIL CONSTRUCTION. northern regions of Thailand, its effectiveness has been varied as the quality of planting Partial shading will reduce growth Proc. First International Vetiver Conf., Thailand, 4-8 . Chrysopogon zizanioides, commonly known as vetiver and khus, is a perennial bunchgrass of the family Poaceae.. Vetiver is most closely related to Sorghum but shares many morphological characteristics with other fragrant grasses, such as lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), citronella (Cymbopogon nardus, C. winterianus), and palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii). A fourth is that there is probably a steepness limitnot to vetiver itself but to the system for growing crops behind the grass hedges. 1998). It seems promising as a way for local people to involve, Rakiraki, Fiji. costs varied between 12 and 20% of conventional engineering methods. vetiver plants particularly in the establishment phase. application in Kwa Zulu province in the stabilisation of both cut and fill batters, roads, slopes. vetiver, ruzie grass, elephant grass and lemon grass. other bio-engineering technologies, VGT provides a natural and environment friendly method completely protected from flood damage (Dalton et al, 1996). plain where actual soil pH is around 3.5 and oxidised pH is as low as 2.8 (Truong and water to stable drainage outlets. Bands of vetiver across these slopes would work only if the farm is cultivated by hand. More mature plants welcome flood irrigation. MyNAP members SAVE 10% off online. Proceedings. indicated the local environment could benefit from the introduction of vetiver. that cool the surface and allowing germination of other grass seeds (Grimshaw The implication is that VGT, if based on this clone, would be Application of the Vetiver grass Faster establishment and growth after planting. 3.2 Runoff Control And Water Diversion With VGT, 3.2.1 Hydraulic properties, erosion control and flood mitigation, When planted in row, vetiver plants Vetiver, a little-known tropical grass, offers one practical and inexpensive way to control erosion on a huge scale in both humid and semi-arid regions. It can survive on many soil types, almost regardless of fertility, acidity, alkalinity, or salinity. technique and recently a bio-engineering tool, the application of VGT requires the some grasses, e.g. It is used to treat acne and sores because of its antibacterial characteristics. inlets, vetiver hedges will not only protect the inlets but they also trap the sediment Proc. estimated that saving of A$100 000 would be made when VGT was incorporated in the design innate strength and vigour enable it to penetrate through difficult soil, hard Vetiver is already being planted in several countries to reinforce and improve the stability of terraces, berms, and bunds. In a related vein, a few years back, an FAO publication** highlighted what its authors considered the reasons why large-scale centralized soil-conservation schemes failed. Vetiver, a very fast growing grass and until very recently a relatively Photo 3: Old tillers (left) and young tillers (right). More details are found in Truong (2006). unique grass in erosion and sediment control in agricultural lands, land stabilisation in The procedure is frequently used by the international horticultural industry. Tube stocks are tubed or potted plants (4-5 week old) which can be kept in nursery and Water Bio-engineering, Manila April 1999), KEY WORD: Vetiver grass, erosion and sediment control, runoff, land beneficial insects, as they are the all-important prey enemy of garden, agriculture and (Few, if any, other grasses seem able to hold back soil or moisture when planted in such a thin line.). and Land Rehabilitation Group, Resource Sciences Centre, Queensland Department of Natural Stings, Arthritis, and burns are all treated with it. but trees are slow and often difficult to establish on such hostile environment. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Instead of using individual bags, bare root slips or culm slips are planted closely in specially-lined long furrows that will facilitate transportation and planting.

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