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2. I command spirit of failure at the edge of breakthrough to die in the name of Jesus. I claim the power to overcome and to excel among all the ??? Thk you thk you for teaching me how to be a prayer warriorMany financial challenges given..released.. and all swolled to debts Monday booked interviewall letters and visa paid my sons was prpriority with 100 extra mine was normal 14 days visa. He got an suspension after the marriage plans. 1The earth is theLords,and everything in it, Make sure you've given your heart to Jesus. Purge yourself with the blood of Jesus. I started praying mymidnightprayers and this is how I was praying: The power that resurrected Lazarus from the dead Besides, it has encouraged me knowing that God answers my prayers even those that I did not ask of Him. Other peiple testimoney they give me hope trhat mine will be answered fully in Jesus name, DEAR ELISHA, PLEASE SUPPORT ME TO FOR THE PA BY WESTERN UNION. I thank the Lord that this time round, he removed everything andevery one who opposed my promotion. 1. Use the prayer bullets related to excellence. I recently joined the Prayer academy and i did it through TT with my bank Barclay. As you pray also ensure that you drink lots of water and fluids as that will esnure that your stools are not hard. may God continue to use you brother Elisha. He loves us no matter our shortcomings, flaws and He has promised great things for us through his son Jesus Christ. At some point I got frustrated thinking my prayers were not being answered but with your encouragement through your timely emails I held on. Iwould like to encourage everyone on this site that no matter what life throws your way always look to God. Its like God used him to bring me closer to God, early 2012 my visa got rejected as my former employer told lies to the embassy where I had replied. I run my own business from home because I was unjustly released from my previous job years ago due to poor health issues I had. He is all sufficient, our provider, with him nothing is impossible, He is our refuge our fortress. O Lord, anoint my eyes to see divine opportunities in Jesus name. 1. Blog24. I had a dream when I finish the first seven days of the marathon there was beautiful fire burning at my alter and when I was frightening that my house was going to burn the Lord showed me that the fire was at the alter only not burning anything It was fire of God. My the good lord bless you. I went from doctor to doctor but it was not helping. Tuhanlah yang empunya bumi serta segala isinya, dan dunia serta yang diam di dalamnya. I am now tired of Satans intimintation because it affects quality of my life. and vindicationfrom God their Savior. You can use the 9 prayers from Dr. Jane to get that particular job. I command spirit of failure at the edge of breakthrough to die in the name of Jesus., CALVARY GREETINGS, trinity Reply:April 10th, 2014 at 11:19 pm, For your info. HIS THE BEST! especially at the Gate of Midnight. Mempelajari kehidupanelangdoa,misalnyaDaniel. please advise. I know that, God has already provide for me,since the day i have decided to join the prayer academythrough what should i be able to pay from Windhoek Namibia , for i know that my God will indeed provide. By the way by then they had not confirmed: She was having mountain moving faith for first time in her life! Prayer bullet #53: We thank God for bringing you to us, Get the ebooks from Elisha related to dreams: This is quite a story but it comes with real physical PROOF. To God be the glory for using you to teach us to pray like prayer eagles. Use chat option on this page (top right corner) and ask prayer eagle to provide you with the URL, where can you send your tithes. I was also admitted into the universitys most expensive residence even though I had no money to pay for it, God provided the 20% needed for me to stay there and I believe this April he will cover every single debt thereof! I was given medication to help me but nothing changed. Luv u all and may luv always prevail in the mist of Gods Children. glory be to the lord. 2. My cousin introduced me to your website last year. Prayer bullet #49: with those faithful few who bother to open my emails daily. Prayer Cookbook for Busy People (Book 2) - Elisha Goodman 2009-11-30 There are prayers that can help rekindle the interest of your spouse in your marriage, even if he or she hasn't looked at you in years. ? 9., I stumbled over the website sometimes last year and since then l have vowed that l will enrol in the school. Then every end of the week, I combine the new ones and the old ones received from him and continue to do damage to the spiritual enemies. 8Who is this King of glory? 2. His word is true and His promises are YES and AMEN He will not fail me IJN! The 17 Miracle Prayer Bullets by Elisha Goodman. May divine harvest fall and fill my life in Jesus name, 4. Purge yourself with the blood of Jesus. Thank you Jesus . Then read the following scriptures out loud: Follow up by praying these 19 prayers machine-gun style. Two weeks later (last Sunday), I went to visit them in the evening. May the Lord God Almighty keep you, guide you and protect you day and night as you are helping us to be weaned off the dependency syndrome- of being prayed for by others not knowing we have got the great potential in us which is lying idle. Fearing in 2008.since then I had muscarriagees 2. Iam rejoicing together with you, but what has goten my attention also is that you mentioned your girlfriend and then your child it may seem you are not yet married but sleeping together. I am truly grateful to God for all the help he has sent my way through the daily emails and praise report. 3. Praise the Lord. Please teach me the prayers I should pray inother to break this yoke. 2) O Lord, let my cries attract angelic assistance today. 3. I thank God for giving me this website. Your teachings have no comparison! 7. I do Spiritual Environmental Cleaning using the 7 prayer points on a daily basis, Ask for the fire of the Holy Spirit to come upon you. Your boyfriend already respects you because of who you are, you are a child of the Most High God. I however want to thank you for praise be to the living God. Prayer bullet #71: and ConditionsRefund Policy. Same day, I received a call inviting me for interview. This year, my spiritual atmosphere has been so tensed and oppressed, but I thank God for the grace not to give up, but to keep on moving. Every witchcraft assignment against me at work, be exposed and be disgraced in the name of Jesus. 3. as a nursing teacher, the nursing school ask me to teach at their school 2 days after praying "Pray out of Debt" my son's hospital account I am trusting God for a breakthrough in my finances with a better paying job. Sample Resurrection Prayers This comment by Gods grace has become the basis of my prayer life because I am beginning to realise that theres no survival onthis earth apart from God and like psalm 109 says our biggest weapon is prayer, so learning to to pray is the biggest gift the Holy Spirit has given me, and I am determined in believing that as soon as I complete the Prayer Academy my blessings will be permanent, because I am learning to be strong, I am nolonger a victim Praise God!!! I claim the power to overcome and to excel among all the ??? THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU. Thank you for teaching us to pray at midnight, I can feel testimony coming, my dreams are coming clearer now. Keep sending the weekly bullets as I note them down that whenever anything evil strikes in my life, dream, marriage, family, health and finances, I can always go back and use them. This year we marched into the gates of 2014 and my sister got a job offer. Gates of employment whatever is holding you from real manifestation in my life, by the unchallengeable power of God, crash and open in the name of Jesus. " Daniel. I told her that whatever is impossible with man is POSSIBLE WITH GOD. Taken from Passion Prayer of Jesus The Christ HERE, page 157 158. I reject the spirit of the tail in my employment and I claim the spirit of the head in the Name of Jesus. After removing everything he accepted Jesus to be his Lord and Saviour. 5. Blessings. 6. It brought me back on that prayer point that says; Though spirit off favor speak on my behalf in Jesus mighty name. Now no more accident God is Awesome. (storm gates) am grateful for the elisha goodman's Just believe, have faith, because indeed He is covenant keeping God of abraham, jacob and isaac and elisha goodman. During this period I prayed, Covenant keeping God of Abraham Last year i was diagnosed with liver and kidney problem but by the grace of God and through prayer i have been healed. This type of prayer is full of high praises unto the Lord, plus machine-gun prayers like this: I stopped taking medication and I told myself I was going to pray to God without mixing with any medication. I have in my possession an appointment letter dated 27th March [it happened to me in March, like I had trusted God to do!] Daniel. 1. I decided to confess everything and ask for his forgiveness. To God be the Glory. I have money appearing in my wallet miraculously, drawers, etc. I command spirit of failure at the edge of breakthrough to die in the name of Jesus. Holyghost bulldozer clear the way, clear the way let the angels of God locate peter and restore him home safe in Jesus name. if the fire is really burning in you to join then just pray to God and give him your last day of joining PA Ultimatum and see what happens. Not only did I get my prayer answered, my womens Group friends who I introduced to the Esther Fast at the time I was praying for this job some have also shared praise reports including one whose brother has been released from a cult he has been in for over 5 years and another who has met a man she hopes will propose marriage [she has been praying for a husband coz she is over 30 years old]!!!!. I know after reading all those testimonies I am next in line for my breakthrough and I shall sing my own song and dance my own dance in Jesus name. He said it is so much entrenched in that family that at times they do loose their own family members. Serpentine arrows programmed into my body, come out now and enter no more in the name of Jesus. 3. Dear Elisha, Your prayer bullets are deadly, they are never uttered in vain & they dont return null & void. Jesus is Lord! Re: Has Anyone Ever Seen/met This Elisha Goodman Prayer Vendor? I am praying now for marriage and promotion. Siapakah yang boleh naik ke atas gunung TUHAN? She confessed to me that her husbands family is so much into witchcraft that she was doubtful that he can give his life to Christ. I landed through Elisha Good mans teachings through a friend who gave me cracking the dream code 2 years ago. every time i accumulate money to enroll for the prayer academy i just realise i dont have enough cash. But I had told myself that I was not going because I knew after I prayed God was going to resurrect my womb. Blog24. I am currently in the Diamond Edition and have already enrolled myself for the Sapphire Edition which will begin when we are done with the Diamond Edition. I am happy to note that April 3, 2014 I signed my new appointment letter and the amazing thing is that the position was effective April 20 which was the ressurection day. Dear Elisha , the result of what we like to call collision prayers.., Easter Dream Marathon 2013: If it is possible and if you receive this letter please respong urgetnly! I told my Lord when I stormed the gates of 2014 that this is my year, I am going to take back everything the devil has stolen from me and my family. im separated and the father is using the baby to get at me apart from not supporting her financially. I am so blessed, God is great. I first heard about this website from a lady in my postgraduate class, I actually easedropped on their conversation. A friend introduced me to the website and I went running beginning of the year with the prayers and joining with the fast. THANK YOU MAN OF GOD. sending you this e-mail, because I was blessed by ordering your e-book, There are tons out there. But those things which are revealed belong unto us and WhatsApp Print Tweet Telegram Like this: Loading. O Lord, anoint my eyes to see divine opportunities in Jesus name. Lineo Reply:November 14th, 2017 at 7:56 pm. On the start of sapphire my tablet stopped receing emails until after five days it has started, now I woke up at midnight to do the prayers for the blood moon only to find that the link is not opening. Biasakanpuasasecara teratur. Great testimonies and prayer bullets. i needed a book on marriage prayers from Elisha which someone referred to that really helped. I had forgiven her in my heart, and I believe God heard my prayer when i asked that she be forgiven. PolicyTerms May the Lord bless you and this ministry Amen. I have received the in boxes faithfully and personally done Esther fasts through the guidance of a friend and if I was to share the miracles that have happened they wouldnt fit in a book! She told me that things are very bad in that house that she was only looking for an opportunity to vacate the house without the knowledge of the man. God had revealed at He was going to bless me with a new job, a new office that has never been touched, He further revealed the name of a prominent person in my country that is behind the idea of my new job. God has armed this ministery with power to step onto scorpions and snakes and to claim what the Lord has given to all those who believe, we must PRAY we must continue to PRAY, God has assigned us to dominate. Please help, I need your advise urgently, didnt know whereelse to go. I have an alter where I pray in my house, I light my candles there when I pray especially now in the marathon I pray with my white and blue candles. At the beginning of the programme, you prophetically said, and I quote: HOLY SPIRIT WANTS TO USE YOUR HANDS TO BRING HEALING TO YOUR COMMUNITY I want to share many testimonies. I reject the spirit of the tail in my employment and I claim the spirit of the head in the Name of Jesus. Go through all the Elisha Goodman prayers to destroy ancestral curses, and evil foundations in your family roots. I went yesterday and there was a sealed large plastic I signed and received.And Viola my Visa for 6 months to UK! i need prayer points for victory in the interview. Please help! O Lord, open the heavens unto me today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. It was built by my grandparents and is the only safe place my child and I have. I would like to have a family of my own and have been praying for it all these years. 5. Resurrection Power Prayer I will surely take part in PA this year 2014 in Jesus name. In addition God is providing miraculously and for my health i give God the glory. Im making this statement as David said who are these uncircumcised Philistines coming against the people of the living God. and my Ex-Husband Back together After 23 Years of Divorce" Biarkan pembantu ilahi saya muncul dalam nama Yesus. 9. May God bless this ministry and sustain it to continue to inspire us so as to inspire others. I thank God for you Servant of God. Now l dreamt while living in a flat in the middle of the sea witha fully charged crocodile roaming fiecely around it. Here comes the day.. God has miraculously done wonders and my hair is growingI used a wig all these years and used to feel very bad when people used to notice and talk behind my back I faced a battle within me But God always spoke to me through His word ..THE BATTLE IS MINE, I WILL FIGHT FOR YOU very soon there will be a day when I can show the world the miracle God has done in my life.. not just by words but by a living example they will know when they look at my hair..People who used to show me sympathy are now saying its only through prayers.. What a mighty God we serve Praise Him And God has also taken me to the next level spiritually He has given me a chance to share the word of God with Sunday School Children..I am now a Sunday school TEACHER what a JOY to serve HIM.. Lastly to hold the driving licence this month of April as its the month of Availability. as yet I can see the devil is after me, he is lying he wont get me. it seems so long before i could see something happen. I am not on speaking terms with my brother. You wont believe the kinds of breakthroughs that will come your way. NOT ONE OF THESE PEOPLE EVER THOUGHT TO TEACH ME TO PRAY. I prayed for a week and that same week I was supposed to go with my husband to another specialist. -- Sister Hope, "I thank Though I am encountering problems for instance bad dreams of being attacked by a cat but I know our God is faithful will not leave or forsake me! In the dream I got excited I started praying in tongues. Ask for the fire of the Holy Spirit to come upon you. Awaiting more as He promised, that I will throw open the floodgates of heaven and bless you. As I was prayerfully encouraging her to soldier on, the husband came in- his mouth full of a drug called miraa here in Kenya. The 24 prayer bullets against depression drove away cares and worries of life from me. So I told her since she has tried everything else and it had failed, why not try the Esther fast. I have completed the 7 days of prayer last week, and had an ester fast at the beginning of that. The prayers were very war like, nothing like what I What's his doctrine? Nobody has ever seen him. These prayers have kept me away from shame, disgrace, depression, anger and failures in my life, even the past year when I didnt have yet got a job people would think I had one and I never ever went without my basic needs met. October 11, 2013 It was just about 10 days ago i got to know about Elisha Goodman's prayer leads through an email from a God-sent senior sister, colleague and friend. 8. -- Becky, Nairobi, Privacy I also want to shine and be called blessed. Right now am experiencing financial problems please pray for me and give me prayer points to use God bless your. NEXT..this year will not elapse before my marriage is restored and my husband is saved and delivered,in Jesus name for nothing is too hard for the Lord! 2. mbieng, Check the posting in the URL below. Dear Elisha, God bless you once again. Elisha Goodman is an end time evangelist and prophet called by the Lord Jesus Christ to speak to the time and the season we're in. Elisha Goodman The Prayer Of Caleb - Bookmark File PDF Elisha Goodman The Prayer Of Caleb(Actually, This Is The "civilian" Version A Tiny Snapshot Of The Blood Warfare Prayer Riot Going On In The Platinum Forum Right Now). Serpentine arrows programmed into my body, get out and enter no more. 15 You spouse, you will not follow the evil patterns of any parent or ancestors in Jesus name, 16 I bind all activities of spirits from the air, water, land and family idols, and I forbid them from interfering in my relationship from today in Jesus name. Itulah angkatan orang-orang yang menanyakan Dia, yang mencari wajah-Mu, ya Allah Yakub. Sela. S. I am blessed by your frequent emails. Amen. The midnight prayers is changing my life. 14 Prayer Points against Terrorism are really working wonders against evil forces which were frustrating my life. My husband is still confused not knowing his stand point I tell him God is on our side and because they are rich he is scared of them he does not understand that we are richer than them and that they will see the Glory of God in our lives He looks at his age and think he will never be better than them and I know that we are going to get our beautiful big house by the grace of God regardless of our age (58 me and 60 him) and financial stand that they think we are by the standard of the world we will never have our own house because the elder aunt once said if it was not them I will be staying in a corrugated iron room ( Tin house/ room). please pray for me to get miracles(get healed of Hiv+ and wounds on my private parts.Pray with me in the name of Jesus. Elisha she declared to me that as long as she is still alife i am not going to prosper I break the curse of scarcity over my life; I command the floodgates of abundance to open over my life in Jesus mighty name. O Lord, make a way for me where there seems to be no way in Jesus name. Elisha thank you for the prayer bullets and emails. even to join Diamond Edition this month.Its has been my desire and i can smell the Elisha, I am so much delighted to have participated in the Prayer Academy. Prayer bullet #52: May his name be glorified. Not only that, I was to be interviewed for a better position. be blessed Fire Springs. O Lord, let all satanic angels deflecting blessings away from me be completely paralyzed, in the name of Jesus. You will receive a new password via e-mail. right there in the office we prayed with my colleague and i then took a prayer walk to my house which is less than 10 minutes walk. Mine is a different story. I am enjoying my marriage as never before. My name is Ritah , I would like to thank God so much for transforming my life this far, prior to my introduction to the ElishasWeb ,my spiritual life was low but am so thankful to the Man of God (Elisha) for the prayer bullets I receive every day there are so encouraging and have made possible for me to move on. Hi i desperately also wants to join the prayer academy ,,can anybody tel me how much it is .in namibian dollars ,,,to join ,,i know my God will provide and i will join . The prayer bullets are so powerful i was introduced in January and the testimonies are just but too many. I am not sure if the lady is using it because she decided not to talk to me. All the doors that were closed, are now open. pls keep on sending to me the prayer bullets for April and moving forward at the moment am still using the first prayer bullets you emailed in 2012. Dear Elisha 3. July 25, 2012 9 Prayers to get that breakthrough Job (Profitable employment) Wow! I love praying at midnight now and I feel I am growing as a Christian. I cannot keep gradges. I do the midnight prayer everyday and good things are begining to come my way, thank God for using you Elisha to teach us how to pray. How to become millionaire online in one year, Trial to Learn Mentalism Effects and Magic Tricks, Secrets to lose 1 pound of belly fat every 72 hours, 8 secrets for self-defense without any martial arts training, 9 secrets to get your sexiest body ever by yoga, Pray to get rich- The Millionaires Prayer. I am really blessed by this prayer program because it has taught me to war and contend for all that God has for me. As if by divine coincidence another friend sent me some prayer points for a safe delivery (I was pregnant then): I had the most miraculous deleivery! Dear Elisha, Siapakah itu Raja Kemuliaan? TUHAN, jaya dan perkasa, TUHAN, perkasa dalam peperangan!, Siapakah Dia itu Raja Kemuliaan? TUHAN semesta alam, Dialah Raja Kemuliaan! Sela. Pray for your husband and ask the Lord to forgive him of his sins as well and open his spiritual eyes of understanding. Basic ToolKit USD79 = 830 Namibian dollar. Hi Elisha, Praise be to God I thank God for being so wonderful and provide me with a coach a pastor an apostle like you who speakes the word as it is written so that I am transformed I would love to join the PA once I have money m so inspired by testimonies I also want to give myn, The One Key to Unlock Your Finances: Now we know how to fight., iam your daily reader of the email you send to box, iam trusting God to join prayer acamedy before this year ends iam being blessed by every mail i receive, God continue blessing you and the enrear firespringministries. Prayer bullet #15: I am learning new things about prayer and I thank God.

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